Chapter Five

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Chapter Five | Haunting Past

"Come in Mayu, please sit down." the principle says from behind his desk.

"Thank you, Sir," I say walking into the room.

Across from his desk, the principle has two sofas and a square coffee table where three people are already seated.

Aizawa, Present Mic and Midnight are all in the room waiting patiently to hear my story. I obviously choose the seat next to Aizawa and pour myself a cup of tea before talking.

"Um, I really don't mean to be rude but, I said I only wanted to talk to Principle Nezu. Could I please ask why you two are here?" I ask, turning to face Midnight and Present Mic.

"I understand that, but this is a serious issue. I chose Midnight and Present Mic for two reasons." Principle Nezu explains. "The first reason is that they are some of the most trusted staff I have and can both give positive input and feedback, and the second reason is that the three teachers in front of you have the most classes with you. It only makes sense to tell the adults that you'll be around the most so that they can help you better, Mayu."

I sit and contemplate this for a few moments.

He made a very good point, and I'm sure I'll feel safer if trusted people know my predicament. On top of that, Aizawa seems very comfortable with these two knowing.

"I'm sorry for my rudeness, and, I would like it if you two would hear me out," I say, trying to calm my nerves.

"It's fine Mayu, please start whenever you're ready," Midnight comforts, reaching across and putting a hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

I take a deep breath before talking, coming out and sharing my story.

"To put it simply, I'm not who I say I am." I begin, trying to end this quickly. "My real name is Mai Tenko, my parent's were the pro heroes Sua Tenko and Ashiro Tenko, and my older brother is Shimura Tenko, although, he's also changed his name. I believe he now goes by Shigaraki Tomura, and I also believe that you've met him before."

"Um, when our parents died, we were both young. I was around three and he was around five. I waited with our parents' bodies for the pros to show up, but Shimura ran out of the house. I was found by Aizawa a couple of hours after the incident and was quickly taken away by the authorities and heavily questioned. They never found Shimura. They did, however, find me a good ol' foster centre to stay at. I was there for years before I was finally taken in by a middle-aged couple and their two sons."

"Things were great, and the couple were lovely. They gave me the name I have now and treated me well. The sons, however, did not. I remember one day when I wanted to play with them. I ran out into the back yard, excited that they finally let me join in, only to be shoved around relentlessly. I discovered my quirk later than most, so I couldn't do much about it."

"They locked me in the shed for hours and left me alone in the dark. By the time their parents came home and found me locked away, they couldn't do much. I still can't stay in a dark room for very long."

"They sent me back to the foster centre, believing that I deserved being locked away for mistreating their sons, and a few months afterwards, I managed to run away."

"I've been in my own since about 10 years old, and I've been running into Aizawa constantly since then. Up until today, he's the only person I've told about my past."

"I can't remember when it began to happen, but I remember being scared every night because I felt like someone was watching me." I began to quiver, the memories alone enough to scare me, but I kept going, wanting to get this over with now. "I was being followed by someone, and it went on for months before I finally took action."

"I trained every day after school to use my quirk, enhance it. I pushed my self more than anyone should, especially since I was such a young age, and once I thought I was ready, I ran. I enrolled in a new school in a new city not even 24 hours after leaving, and it's been like that ever since." I stop there and take a few breaths, needing to calm down. The room is so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, even Present Mic is silent.

"You can stop here, Mayu," Aizawa says, trying to comfort me.

"No, I want to finish this now rather than later, thank you." I compose myself before continuing.

"It happened about a year ago, my first run in with Shimura. I honestly thought he was dead before that point, it never occurred to me that my stalker could be my brother. Apparently, he recognised me when I was walking home from the local park, I have no idea how, but he's been on my tail ever since."

"I woke up around 4:00 am one morning with an uneasy feeling in my stomach, and whenever I tried to ignore it, it got worse and worse. I eventually gave in and went to go to the kitchen, but I didn't even make it out of the futon before I saw him. He was in my fucking house, watching me sleep."

"I immediately activated my quirk and tried to run, but I didn't anticipate his reflexes."

"He grabbed my waist and used his quirk, making a section of my stomach deteriorate and crumble. Any time I tried to get past him, he'd grab me, hurt me." I shakily pull up the hem of my shirt, barely showing them the dips and scars across my abdomen while shaking violently.

"He found it amusing, thought it was a fucking game and left when he finally got bored with me. I left everything behind in that apartment and ran for two days straight, and he still finds me, everywhere I go. The longest I've managed to stay at one school is eight months." I finish, trying to desperately hold back the tears threatening to spill.

The room stays silent once more, the only sound being my light sobs and cries until finally, Principle Nezu speaks.

"Mayu, I want to thank you for sharing this information with us, we all know it couldn't have been easy. Please leave the room while we discuss this, and we'll tell you our plan of action once we're ready." He explains getting up to unlock the door.

"I can't do much, but I promise you that we will keep you safe. You're a very bright girl with a positive future, and we all wish to see you succeed. Please trust us with your safety." By now, I'm not even bothering to hold back the tears, and when Midnight pulls me into a comforting hug, I can't help but cry harder.

"Shh~" she comforts, patting my head with one hand and rolling up her sleeve with the other. "You've been through a lot the past few days, I think it's time you rest..." is all I remember her saying before I black out, sleeping for the first time since Friday night.

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