Chapter Six

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Chapter Six | What's Known

"-Ake up soon Midnight. What you did was good for the girl considering how sleep deprived she was."

"I can't help but feel like I over did it though, Recovery Girl."


I can't move.

It's cold.

"C-cold..." I whisper, pulling the surprisingly thin sheets further up my body.

"Oh thank goodness!" someone yells, running closer to me and tapping me on the shoulder. "I thought I overdid it, sorry Mayu." Midnight smiles softly, shaking my shoulder to wake me up faster.

"How long was I asleep?" I ask, my voice sore and raspy.

"A little over 24 hours. It's Monday, school just ended," she explains as I sit up in the small medical bed.

"I don't say anything, but rather take in my surroundings.

Everything is white and clean, and freezing cold might I add, and there are 6 beds in the room in total.

"You were brought here to be observed while you slept." Recovery Girl explained as she wrote on a small slip of paper. "I'm going to write up a sleep-med prescription to help with your insomnia," she said, signing the slip and handing it to me.

"Thank you," I mumble, standing up and leaving the two behind. I walk down the hall, probably looking like a mess, and leave school ground to walk to the nearest pharmacy.

As I walk along the sidewalk, I feel oddly at ease. Whether it was because I just woke up or some other reason, I can't help but have a small spring in my step. It doesn't take me too long to find the pharmacy, so I walk in and grab my new medication before walking back to the UA dorms, smiling like a dork the entire time. Well, almost the entire time.

"What the fuck, Tamiko? Where you fucking drinking again?" I hear an all to familiar voice ask from behind me. I turn around to face Bakugo, and he looks utterly confused. Kind of adorable not gonna lie.

"What? No." I say, confusion playing on my features too.

"Then why the fuck are you smiling? The one time I've seen you smile is when you were piss-ass drunk," he says and that's when I realise, I'm being myself.

I quickly remove any emotion from my face and give him a blank stare, trying to think of a cover-up.

"I was in a good mood until I saw you. Now I don't feel like smiling," I tell him, turning to walk away and end the conversation.

"What did you say!?" He yells after me, annoyed by my response.

Nice save.

That was close. At least it was Bakugo that found me, he seems like a dim-wit anyway. I've been on edge since my run in with Bakugo, trying extra hard to keep up my facade, draining what little energy I had left.

Yeah, I slept for 24 hours. Yeah, I'm already tired. What you gonna do about it?

"Alright, let's see if these bad boys work," I mumble to myself, swallowing two of the sleep pills, quickly followed by a few gulps of water.

"Oh, Tamiko..." I look up to see Todoroki enter the kitchen too, probably looking for something to eat.

"Todoroki-kun." I nod to him in acknowledgement, continuing to drink my water.

It's silent for a while before Todoroki speaks up, breaking the silence.

"We need to talk," he says sternly. What are you, my dad?

I look at him, questions dancing in my eyes, waiting to be answered.

"Meet me on the oval at 10:00 pm tomorrow night. It's about your predicament," he says quietly, careful not to let anyone hear.

"How the fuck did you find out?" he could've been eavesdropping. Maybe someone told him?

"10:00 pm tomorrow on the oval," he says, walking out of the kitchen.

What the actual fuck?

Todoroki's Point of View

"Ok Todoroki, I'm here," she says, pulling her hoodie tighter around her body, exaggerating her curves more.

"I heard you talking in the principal's office, I'm sorry for eavesdropping."

She seems to stand there, processing the information I just told her before she snaps.

"Bull shit! 'I'm sorry.' No, you're fucking not." she snaps, her cool facade slipping. "Let me tell you something, Shoto," she says, venom dripping from her words and seeming to swirl around in my own stomach. "I may lie. I may be fake, but the most real thing about me is my power and I won't hesitate to kick your ass if you let a single syllable of my past slip through that damn mouth of yours." she steps forward, looking me straight on the eyes, despite being shorter than me, and showing no sign of hesitation.

"I just wanted to say that I don't care who you are, who your family is or whatever problems you have. I won't do anything with the information I have until your life starts impacting mine, understood?" I say, taking a step forward my self, not backing down from her threat.

"Crystal." we both stare at each other for a few more seconds before stepping back at the same time and walking to the dorms silently.

Mayu's Point of View

"I just wanted to say that I don't care who you are, who your family is or whatever problems you have. I won't do anything with the information I have until your life starts impacting me, understood?"

All I can think about is Todoroki's words, more so, the fact that he's not terrified. I always imagined people hating me for my blood, for what my brother has done to this world. I never expected him to be so calm knowing that the sister of a major villain is his classmate, dormmate, even!

If he's not scared, will other people feel the same as he does?

Please don't be a ghost-reader and be sure to like and comment~


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