Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve | Bonding

That night I had one of the best nights of sleep of my life.

Maybe it was because I didn't need to take my meds, maybe it was because I didn't have t keep my guard as high, and maybe, it was because the girls and I had a bigass sleepover on the common room floor.

Seriously, we all grabbed out pillows and a couple of us dragged our mattresses down to the common room and we pretty much slept on top of each other.

Fun times.

We woke up that morning, groggy as fuck with kinks all throughout our bodies, but no one cared. I've never really had friends or social skills for that matter, but I'm really happy that this was my first sleepover.

We all woke up at around 6:00 am before tidying up, accidentally waking up a few of the boys, and getting ready for school.

I decided to go for a light jog, only to be surprised when Bakugo asked to go with me.

"You wanna go for a jog with me?" I ask, repeating what he said only seconds before.

"No shit! If I didn't want to, why would I ask?" he says, finishing tieing his shoelaces and heading to the door with me hot on his heels.

"Ok then Sparky-Boom, let's see if you can keep up." I tease, beginning my jog.

He's by my side pretty quickly, and every now and then one of us will pick up the pace, making the other catch up, pushing each other harder than normal. The majority of the jog is silent, but towards the end, he speaks up.

"I'm gonna need you to stop calling me Sparky-Boom. It pisses me off too much," he says, lightly panting but never breaking pace.

"Then what can I call you? Bakugo is too boring and I know you don't like being called Kacchan." I say, also slightly out of breath.

"Tough shit. I don't like nicknames and you don't like using last names," he says.

It's silent for a while before an idea pops into my head.

"Y'know, I could just call you Katsuki," I say, remembering that like most people, he too has a first name.

"Fine. At least it's better than Sparky-Boom." he huffs out, annoyed but not rejecting the idea.

"It's too bad though, I liked calling you Sparky-Boom. It made you seem like slightly less of an asshole." I say, smirking at his reaction.

I hear him mutter a few profanities under his breath before we turn a corner and the dorm comes into view. It's silent yet again as we slip off our shoes and head towards the elevator to grab our toiletries and shower before school. It's around 6:30 am.

I have a bath and get into my uniform, and by the time I've left the dorms and made it to class, I still have 30 minutes until class starts, so I do what any sane person would do.

I sleep.

I slept really well last night, but that might have been because of how little I got. Seriously, I love those girls to pieces, but they do not shut up.

I lay my head on my the desk and pull my arms up to act as a pillow and after about 15 minutes of sleep, the door is swung open aggressively and Katsuki, Kirishima and Mina all walk in. 

I'm startled awake by all the noise and sleepily look up, smiling weekly at the three.

"Mornin', Mayu-chan!" Mina smiles, waving aggressively and smiling like a dork.

"What's up, my bitch?" I ask her, my smile widening.

"Nothin' much. How 'bout you, my pimp?" She asks, sitting in Yaomomo's desk, seeing as she's not in class yet.

We both burst out laughing while the guys watch our exchange.

"Okay, what drugs did you guys take last night and where can I get them?" Kirishima asks, joining in with us.

"Have you tried sleep-deprivation? It's a great high!" I laugh out, smiling like a dork.

It feels foreign to smile in front of people like this, seeing as I haven't really been able to since I began to run, but I find it oddly calming.

By now, Katsuki's standing among the group too and we're all talking together, being the only four in the classroom.

"We should all have a sleepover again sometime! We can invite the boys and play games or something!" Mina suggests, clapping her hands excitedly.

"I'm down as long as you don't invite Mineta-kun," I say, shuddering at the thought of having a sleepover with him.

"I can get him to stay away." Katsuki joins in, smirking at the thought.

"Then it's settled!" Mina smiles. "We should have it this weekend!" Kirishima suggests, getting in on the idea.

We continue to talk about small things, nothing too serious as the class slowly fills up until finally, 7:30 am rolls around and Aizawa walks into class.

"Finally lunch~" I hum to myself as I skip through the halls toward the cafeteria.

I heard about the special on onigiri and I can't wait. UA's food is pretty good, and it's difficult to fuck up onigiri so I'm absolutely pumped for this.

I skip into line and wait for my chance to grab a tray, excitedly bouncing the entire time.

"God, you're such a fucking child." I hear the all to familiar voice come from behind me.

Katsuki steps into line with me, a bored expression on his face.

"Did you just cut in?" I ask incredulously.


"Bad Katsuki-kun!" I yell, slapping his shoulder playfully, mostly to feel him up.

He scoffs at this but doesn't move to the back of the line, only making me smile a little more.

We collect our trays and pay for our food, we start walking to find an empty table while arguing over who would beat who. Just as the argument starts to get heated, a cheery voice calls out to me, and I recognise it as Ochako-chan's immediately.

"Mayu! Come eat with us!" she yells, waving her hands excitedly and sitting up slightly to get my attention.

I start to walk over, only to be pulled back by Katsuki. He grabs the back of my tie, slightly choking me, and drags me away from the table. I look at Ochako and pull my hands together, silently mouthing a sorry before walking with Katsuki rather than being dragged by him.

Once we find a table, we sit down and I start questioning him.

"What the fuck was that?" I ask, grabbing one of my onigiris and beginning to eat.

"There's no way I'm letting you sit with Deku and that Half-and-Half Bastard," he mumbles aggressively.

"But why? They're both nice people, and Ochako and Iida were there too. I don't see the problem." I say, defending my new friends.

"The problem is that they're all normal extra's and you're not. You're not another extra," he says, a blush lightly covering the tips of his ears.

I'm about to respond before a squeal cuts me off. I turn around and glare at Mina as she ends the video recording and slides her phone into her pocket.

"Y'know that'll be confiscated if the teachers see it, right?" I tell her.

"Hush child," she says placing a finger over my lip and sitting next to me. "A video of my ship is worth the possible confiscation."

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