Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten | Cat and Mouse

"This is-" Aizawa is cut off by a voice that sends chills down my spine.

"Hello everyone! My name is Shigaraki Tomura and I'm here to collect my little sister," he says, stepping out of the mist, his body covered in, hands? "I believe she likes to be called Mayu Tamiko nowadays?"

I still can't move, but even if I could I probably wouldn't.

The entire class turns to look at me as Aizawa take a defensive stance, and then they're all engulfed in the purple mist. I try to look around, but I still can't move.

My muscles scream as the feeling comes back to my body in a rush and I fall to my knees.

Shigaraki's chilling eyes lock onto mine, and any courage I had previously is lost in an instant.

"Mai! It's so good to see you!" he beams, making my eyes widen and tears start to spill from them.

"W-what are you doing here, Shimura..?"

"Didn't I say that already? I've come to bring you home, Mai."

Stop it.

"What do you mean..?"

"You can finally come home,"

Go away.

"What home!" I snap standing up, taking a shaky stance, now oblivious to the lack of my classmates around me. "The home you took from me? The home you destroyed?" I accuse, stepping forward, red clouding my vision.

"No no, Mai, a new home. One just for us,"

I stop in my tracks, my past flashing through my head yet again.

Watching the life leave my parent's eyes as they died on our living rooms floor. Watching Shimura smile as he looked down at their corpses. "Look, Mai, look! I got my quirk!" he smiles giddily as stand horrified in the doorway.

Back then I didn't say anything, do anything, but this time I refuse to do that.

"Go to hell, Shimura!" I yell, activating my quirk and running toward him. 

He was obviously expecting me to activate my quirk, but instead of attacking him front on like I normally do, I keep my distance and use the wind pressure from deactivating to knock him off of his feet before activate again and pinning his hands above his head.

I hold his hands firmly in my grasp and use my knees to stop his legs from moving, knocking the hand of his face.

He scoffs before lightly wrapping his hands around my wrist, decaying the skin and making me scream in pain. I recoil from his grasp and stand up, putting distance between us. I watch as he picks up his hand-mask and places it on his face before walking towards me.

"Don't struggle Mai. I need you for my plan."

"Your plan!? What do you plan to do!?" I yell, using my quirk to knock him away again. "Hurt me? Ruin my life? Kill me!?" I question rushing around him and punching his stomach before backing away to a safe distance. "You've done all of that already!" I spit.

This goes on for a while, me screaming and running in to hit him before running back out to a safe distance.

He doesn't seem to be taking me seriously, no matter how serious I am when fighting him.

"C'mon Mai!" he whines like a bratty child. "I've let you have your fun. I've played your cat and mouse game for years now, but enough is enough. Time is of the essence, you must understand." he tries to reason, like we're good friends or worse, siblings.

"Grow up, Shimura! The sun doesn't shine your ass and spin around you, does it? What makes you and your plan so important!" I yell, running in and punching him again.

He sighs dramatically before turning his back and walking toward the purple mist.

"You still wanna play, Mai? Keep running then, you know that I'll always find you," he says. I can hear the smirk in his voice as he walks into the mist.

"Not yet! I won't stop fighting yet!" I yell, activating my quirk and trying to run after him. I'm about to reach him when my quirk is suddenly stopped and a familiar feeling rushes over me.

"You're an eyesore, Mai," he whispers, pushing me away from him, decaying some of my left cheek, and walks through the cloud.

He disappears into the vapour and I'm left on the ground, unable to move, get up, fight.

The moment his last stand of hair passes through the mist, it disappears from the sky and my senses return to my body.

I lay on the ground shaking as the blue sky comes into my view again, and so do the faces of my classmate.

I begin to shake and uncontrollably sob, the realisation of what just happened hitting me like a ton of bricks.

Aizawa is busy keeping my classmates at bay as Midnight rushes over and pulls me into a hug. She shushes me and strokes my head, and just like last time, she rolls up her sleeve and waits for me to fall asleep.

Bakugo's Point of View

I stand mixed in with the other students as the vapour evaporates and Mayu comes into view.

She's laying on the ground silently, shaking and crying uncontrollably, like she's unaware that the fight is over.

Aizawa uses his quirk to hold us all back with his bandage things and Midnight runs toward Mayu, ready to knock the poor girl out cold.

Quiet murmurs fill the class as she falls asleep.

"That's her brother?"

"She's related to that psychopath?"

"What did he mean by coming home?"

"Is she a spy for them or something?"

I wanna tell everyone to shut up, deny those accusations, but I can't help thinking similar things myself.

I always knew I was an ass, but I never thought I was this big of an ass until I begin to rethink everything.

She gave hint and clues. It was obvious she was going through something, anyone with eyes could tell.

Why didn't I reach out when I could've helped?

She's picked up by Midnight, most probably being taken to recovery girl, and Aizawa deactivates his quirk, the bandages wrapping around his neck again.

"Okay kids, I want you all to get changed and meet me back in the classroom in ten minutes. It's about time I tell you some things, whether she likes it or not."

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