Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven | Make a Move

I managed to sleep last night thanks to the pills, but I honestly wish that I hadn't.

The dose I was prescribed is strong, so I'll only wake up if something around, like a loud noise, makes me wake up, or I sleep enough to satisfy my body. Unfortunately, that means I can't end the nightmares anymore.

Last night, I dreamt of my past, everything I told the teachers being brought back to life in my mind, but surprisingly, I also dreamt about my future. It was awful.

Everyone found out about my past, my family, who I really am and everyone hated me for it.

Aizawa, Midnight, Principle Nezu, even Todoriki. It was like they never knew beforehand. The world that my mind makes is a hell on earth, and I will do everything in my power to prevent it from ending up like that.

"Tamiko!" Present Mic's voice booms through the classroom, shaking the desks and startling most.

It can't happen.

"Did you hear what I said?" he asks, annoyed by my dazing off in his class.

It won't happen.

"No Sir, I'm sorry," I tell him.

I won't let it.

"Could you please come up and give five examples of the term 'I am'?" I get up and walk to the front of the class, taking the chalk from his hands.

I begin to write on the board, slowly and carefully so that everyone can see what I'm doing.

I'm weak. 'I am strong.'

I'm paranoid. 'I am calm.'

I'm an idiot. 'I am smart.'

I won't lose to anyone. 'I am a fighter.'

I won't lose to him. 'I am done here.'

I put the chalk on the edge of the board and dust off my hands before walking toward the door and opening it.

"Where are you going?" Present Mic asks, confused.

"Last sentence. Read it." and with that, I close the door and walk out of the classroom.

Shigaraki can hunt me down, burn me and break me, but I won't go down without a proper fight.

It's time I make the first move.

Bakugo's Point of View

I sit and silently ready through the words she put on the board.

Normally, things like that would piss me off, people thinking that they're better than me, but this time, I don't feel like the words mean what they're supposed to, almost like there's a hidden meaning behind them.

She walks out of the class and surprisingly, Present Mic doesn't stop her, rather, he looks sympathetic, like he knows something we don't, and that damn half-and-half bastard looks like his gears are turning to. Am I the only one confused here?

"Um, alright class, moving on..."Present Mic brings our attention back to the front of the class and surprisingly, doesn't wipe away Mayu's words as if they do have a meaning behind them.

I knew that something was going on with Mayu, but now I'm determined to find out.

What is that damned girl hiding?

Mayu's Point of View

I'll admit what I did in class was a touch dramatic, but you can't blame me, can you?

I walk off of school grounds and head toward a place I know he'll go to.

I take sharp turns, knowing that he's behind me until finally, it comes into my view.

The old warehouse.

I step in through the broken door and stand in the middle, waiting for him to walk in or for me to need to go after him, and thankfully, he makes his presence known.

"Y'know, Mai, you're not very good at running." he teases, stepping into the dark room and pulling his hood off, revealing his chapped lips and crooked teeth.

"I've realised that Shigaraki, but you're not so good at staying hidden, either, "I say, looking him in the eyes with a furious gaze.

"Who ever said that I was trying to hide? I like seeing you scared."He licks his lips and steps forward, getting too close for comfort and expecting me to back away.

Hold your ground, Mayu.

I don't move and I don't break eye contact, making his smile widen.

"Are you ready to stop playing games Mayu? My my, did you put on your big girl pants this morning?"

I step forward, keeping about an arm's length between us. "Consider this a warning, Skigaraki. I won't run anymore, I won't lose. Not to you." I spit on his shoes before using my quirk to step past him and walk out of the warehouse, and surprisingly, he doesn't stop me, probably too excited by the idea of me fighting back.

He's sick, he makes me sick, and he makes me want to win.

I walk back into the school and head to the cafeteria, hungry from missing breakfast this morning.

"You're back." Todoroki's voice says from behind me.

"I had a little sibling bonding to do, I hope you don't mind," I say as I get into line behind him.

He doesn't respond, but rather, looks at me with a knowing glance before turning away.

"That's good for you."

"It is."

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