Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen | Seven Minutes In Hell

Drink or spill ended not too long ago, and now, we're all sitting in a circle, we've placed the soy sauce bottle in the middle and are counting the seconds down to 2:00 am.






Mina stands up and spins the bottle, waiting for it to land on someone.

It spins for a while before landing on Kirishima. I smirk, knowing about her not-so-obviously-obvious crush in him.

 They both get up and head towards the elevator, but before they step in, I decide to tease them a little.

"Hey, guys, there's a few condoms in the tissue box for you two. Be safe now!" I yell out with a snicker. Mina scoffs before walking in and pressing the close door button, beginning their seven minutes in hell.

"Did you seriously put condoms in the tissue box?" I hear Yaomomo whisper into my ear, trying to be discrete.

"Look, someone's gonna need it! Not everyone's on the pill." I say, putting my hands up defensively. "No babies on my watch." I giggle when I notice the blush on most people's faces before watching the clock, quietly listening for any noises what-so-ever.

Seven minutes goes by quickly and they come out looking exactly like they did when they went in.

Suspiciously not suspicious...

The bottle makes its way to Todoroki and he spins it, no emotion on his face but an obvious want in his eye, and once I notice this, I immediately know the answer to his question from Drink or Spill.

So he bats for that team.

The bottle lands on Midoriya, and I almost squeal in excitement.

They get up and walk into the elevator, closing the door behind them and beginning their seven minutes.

"I recon half-and-half is gay," Katsuki speaks up, voicing what most were probably thinking.

"Really? I thought he was bi or pan, something like that." I say, thinking back to the look in his eyes. "No matter what who he interested, he definitely likes Deku-Kun." Ochako pipes in.

We all hum in agreement before becoming quiet, yet again listening for any action.

Not long after, they both walk out and for the most part, they look normal, but if you look closely, they both have swollen lips and look a little happier than before.

I raise a suggestive eyebrow to Todoroki-kun and he smirks back before sitting down.

A few people go by, some obviously flustered and some not so much, and it's finally Katsuki's turn.

This'll be interesting.

He spins the bottle and watches it carefully, almost like he's trying to make it do what he wants. I probably look the same though because I am also giving it a death glare.

Not me. Not me. Not meeee. I think to myself as the bottle begins to slow down. I feel a drop of sweat fall from my forehead dramatically before the bottle stops directly between Mina and me.

We look at each other before I suggest rock-paper-scissors, loser goes in. At the time, I thought it was a great idea, but now that I'm paper and she's scissors, I remember a very important thing about me.

I can't play rock-paper-scissors for the life of me.

Accepting defeat, I walk over to the elevator and wait for Katsuki to join me before closing the door and letting the seven minutes begin.

At first, it's awkward. I'm on one side sitting on the railing, and he's on the other leaning against the wall. I end up swinging my legs aimlessly before letting out a groan of boredom.

"This is so boring! You're a fun guy, right? Do something fun!" I say, jumping from the railing and pointing a finger at his chest.

"What do you want me to do? You could do something, y'know!" he says, anger bubbling inside him.

"You wouldn't find the things I find fun, fun," I say, glaring at him and poking his chest again to emphasise my point.

"Try me, bitch," he says, glaring and bringing his face closer to mine.

I smirk at him before placing my hand against his peck and feeling him up slightly.

He blushes but stands his ground surprisingly, and after a while of me dragging my hands over his chest, he grabs my waist and pulls me closer, enjoying the feeling.

His thumbs draw small circles on my thin waist and his head rests in my neck and I run my hands along his abs and attach my lips to his neck.

He lets out a light groan and grabs my waist tighter, stopping his comforting circles.

"I thought I wasn't going to enjoy this?" he says, bringing up my previous comment. I scoff and detach myself before sitting on the railing again, enjoying the silence that settles in.

We both sit there, silently looking at each other and taking in each other's features. I observe his crimson eyes while he observes my mustard-yellow ones.

"Y'know," he pipes up, slicing through silence but not breaking eye contact. "I like you better like this. Not shy and quiet and annoying," he says, pointing out the differences in my personalities.

"I like to think that Mayu and Mai are different people. Mai was the girl before the accident, childish, innocent and naive, but Mayu, she's seen things that she can't unsee, trusted people she shouldn't trust. Two different people sharing one body."

"Nah, I don't think so. You're one person who's changed over time through experiences. Mai was a young girl who grew into Mayu, the bubbly and extroverted girl who can get serious when she needs to. The girl who puts others before herself, even if she gets hurt doing so." What is this? A wild Katsu-soft-boi appeared?

I can't but let out a small giggle. "You really pay attention to me, don't you?" I say, letting my ego inflate a little more than usual.

He scowls, his soft side fading away, but oddly I don't mind.

"Hey, Katsuki?"

"What, nerd?"


"Thank you." As if it was planned, we begin to hear the others screaming at us to get out because the seven minutes is over, and we both step out of the elevator.

I sit next to Mina and she immediately questions me.

"So what did you guys do?" she urges, curiosity killing her collected vibe that she had earlier.

"Nothing much," I say, shrugging it off.

Katsuki nods in agreement, accidentally moving his tank tops shoulder to the side, slightly revealing a small hickie I made on his shoulder. Kirishima sees this and looks at me, and we share a knowing look. Luckily, he doesn't say anything, but rather nudges Katsuki and lets him know he needs to cover his shoulder by handing him a hoodie.

Katsuki scowls and puts it on, and with that, seven minutes in heaven is over.

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