*.✧ ↳ 我怀念的

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Mark held the boy's hip in his hand to secure, thrusting faster and faster within minutes as the younger cried out pathetically under him. He is pushed beyond his tolerance. The older's tip is brushing his bundle of nerves, sending indescribable vibrations all over his tanned body. Donghyuck could feel his sight getting foggier and foggier through moves.

"Argh..uhm...mark...markie", he moaned, toes curled and head lolled back, on the verge of hitting the headboard since the older is playing him to hard, "Cum..gimme it now! Oh..ah~ can't..."

And right after that, a wave of hot liquid was squirted into his insides, earning a loud, long moan comes out of his mouth.

"Are you filled princess? Do you love it?", Mark asked, his voice is husky. After he came and the pos orgasm hits, the older always look a little wreck, wildly attractive, a rare sight to see on the older.

Mark wrapped his hand around Donghyuck's fully erected base, gives it a few pump and riding the boy out of his high, a small smile appeared and the younger squirmed, came as well moments later.

"You...so mean...", he said through orgasm.

He leans down and brushed his wet bangs away, their lips connected in a chaste kiss, which ended up with the younger pushing him away due to exhaustion. They just lie next to each other, listen to each other catching breath in silence.

Sex is great, even better when you have a partner and needless to say, Donghyuck and Mark always have mind-blowing sex. There is no feelings between them...allegedly and it's all about the high they could hit together.

"You're graduating next year...How could I find a better...fuck that, a seemingly guy who could fuck me as nice as you?", the younger pouted, his face is still flushed red.

He looks Mark through his lashes and the older pushed the uneasiness he is having away and scooted next to the boy, touching his smooth skin.

"I could still spend time with you even if I graduated, who said you need to find someone else?", he said, softly, "I like having sex with you too"

Donghyuck scrunched his nose and sits up, rolling over and landed on the older's naked body. He sings some songs that Mark could not recognize under his breath as he draws circles around his nipple. "That would be weird though. When you're graduated, you having nothing else to do with me...I don't like sticking around my sex partners for too long Mark. We agreed on this"

The Canadian bit his lips and bring his hands around the boy's waist, massage it skillfully and the boy moans in satisfaction, nuzzling the man's neck. "I will miss your dedication"

"I would still gladly fuck you any time, like weekly fuck days where I could make you feel good", Mark whispers in his ears seductively, "After all, I'm still the best at making the school's sweetheart cries out of pleasure, do I?"

"I could train someone", Donghyuck said cockily, "Ride that freshman dick 'till he is my boytoy"

Mark rolled his eyes and flick the younger's forehead. "Doubt that. Especially when you bounce on mine, all you could do is cry like a little bitch after two—"

"Shut that mouth!", the younger screamed, using his hands to cover the older's mouth, "Meanie"

The older laughed mindlessly and prying the pretty hands of afterwards, give it a small kiss later, "How about we take this conversation to the bathroom? I think we could have another round of debate there"

"That sounds good"


Even though the boy has a loud mouth, perfect skill to give dicks a good suck, he is the worst in keeping the challenge. That's also why Mark is rinsing body wash from the unconsciousness Donghyuck, who drifted to sleep as soon as the older put him into a warm bathtub.

"Talking about being ridiculous", Mark cursed under his breath as he carried him out of bathroom after he has stripped and changed new sheets for their two pushed in single beds.

Looking Donghyuck, who is tucked in warm blanket and sleeping beautifully in his arms, Mark can't help but to sigh tiredly. The thought of the love of his life wanting to cut ties with him right after he left school is scaring him daily.

He has a crush on Donghyuck. He is not supposed to but his heart is in Donghyuck little fingers unknowingly after a year of their "relationship". He don't know if the younger sensed it but he always act like a responsible sex partner—wannabe boyfriend so he could enjoy the sex as much as possible, being comfortable around him and stay happy.

He wants to commit a relationship, more than physical contact, the one with love and care from more than one side with the boy but it's impossible. His heart is secured and Mark knows he is not strong enough to break off the chains protecting Hyuck from a heartbreak.

Blinking away the liquid that was filling his eyes, Mark lied down next to him and let the younger rolled into his embrace, cuddling with him and let the night bring his sadness away, stuffed under layers of fake emotions.

look at me being productive and hiding from all the comments from sugar daddy and update my new book 👁👅👁✌🏼

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