*.✧ ↳free somebody

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When Mark came running to them after having his graduation speech, the whole squad welcomed him with open arms.

"Hyung you did good"

"It was kind of cringeworthy but you did great"

"Lmao, you're suddenly out of school and unemployed now"

"Do you want to to get Popeyes chicken after this?"

"Jisung!", the group gasped and the youngest shrugged, "A boy have needs, brothers"

Mark laughed it off and say, "Nah, it's fine Sungie. I'm craving it anyway"

Before they could leave, they were greeted by many teachers and students, all congratulated Mark, fetching his future. Mark is not really fond of these things but being a gentleman he is, they got through just fine.

 Even Eunjae looks breathtaking today with his hair freshly cut and now going with ombre purple hair. The guy saw him through the crowd and quickly skipped over.

 "Mark and Donghyuck, nice seein you two!"

 Mark bumped shoulders with him and Donghyuck gladly give him a high five.

 "Jae-hyung, I love your new look, you're rocking every color you try", Chenle dreamily complimented and the older shows him a charming mind, "Thank you, my darling, you're also stunning in green"

 "Jae-hyung, I love your new look, you're rocking every color you try", Chenle dreamily complimented and the older shows him a charming mind, "Thank you, my darling, you're also stunning in green"

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 (my babie looks the best in green, up for debate)

The boy blushed and looks away, all shy and happy at the same time.

 The Canadian hums, "You look like you're so much better now Jae"; "I owe you two that"

 Before they could continue, Donghyuck suddenly feel a pair of hands wrapped around his hip and a rough kiss abuse the shell of his ear. It made him grimace in pain.


 "Correct!", the guy said, pinching his hip, "I thought we talked about no more hanging out with Mark? You disobeyed me and also.", Minsung gave his old lover a dirty side eye, "hanging around with that fag?"

 Mark's fists tighten but he convinced himself to loosen up since it's only a night left until hell is over and he could have a chance to make it a "happy ever after" with his dream boy.

 "Now, you're going to that graduation party with me and Donghyuck, I'm not taking a no. It's an order", Minsung said, eyes glaring holes at them, "That's how boyfriends work"

 However, not everyone is as composed as him.

 "The fuck you said to my friend!?", Renjun stomped over the guy and spat, "You stole his whole social life and treat him like shit. Our Hyuck is a human being, not some kind of slave that you can toy around!"

 The footballer arched an eyebrow, letting go of Donghyuck, "That's pretty high-class, coming from a chingchong"

 After that, Jeno has to physically pull is lover away before he land Minsung a punch. "Sugar, stay calm"; "No, I'll choke him dead by my bare hands"

 Seeing how bad the current situation is, Donhyuck quickly grabbed Minsung's hand and spun him around and then tangled his hands around the douche's neck.

 "It's been some time since I et to dress my own self nice for you so I was hoping to stay with them for a bit and then later...", his voice turned flirty, "I could make it up with you...real good. Maybe I could even ask your camera friend come to join us, if you know what I mean"

 Minsung lets out a heavy breath, "You better stay this time, then"

 "Of course I will", Donghyuck smiled deviously as he turned his head, and leave right after I'm done dealing with you

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