*.✧ ↳la vien rose

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[happy birthday mark lee]
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╚══════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══════╝Mark has been noticing that they're drifting apart due to his last term test

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Mark has been noticing that they're drifting apart due to his last term test. The other was never in the dorm room when he's back from the tiring lecture, disappeared during lunchtimes and vanished when he looked for him in the breaks. It's always late at night, passed the school's bedtime that the window of their dorm room clicked and there came Donghyuck sneakily getting in, making a "shh" gesture to him snd giggling madly after he rolled into the bed with him.

There is no sex. Not that he wants to have sex anyways, he has been tired recently since he was so busy catching on all the subjects anis articles that he didn't put his mind in so much during the school year. But having a sort of physical contact like this can not full fill it, he needs the boy to be next to him, mentally, at least a couple of hours in the daylight, like a phone needs to be daily charged.

"Where have you been recently?", he asked, hands wrapped around the boy's body, "I missed you all day"

"You did?", the younger gasped softly and nuzzle his nose with his, "Sorry Markie, I have been busy, dealing with some transactions that need to be made"

Mark arched an eyebrow, "Transaction? Is there any serious problem Hyuck? I know I'm kinda busy right now but I'd not mind giving you a helping hand"

Donghyuck shrugged, he scooted near to the Canadian's naked body, and sniff th calming scent of the man, moaning lightly as he tangled their legs together. "You're not fucking me and still make me feel better than other people Markie?"

"What?", Mark was zoned out for a second that he didn't got Donghyuck's words, "Can you repeat it again, I was distracted"

"Nah it was nothing really, I was just rambling nonsense"; "Oh..."

Donghyuck then climb on him and gives the guy a cheeky smile, "Want a quickie to release the stress you have been holding Markie?"

Mark lets out a breathy laugh and takes iut he lube from his bed side drawer, "Oh Hyuck, you know it's never a quickie when it comes to you"

"You're staying home today?", Mark asked. He was getting ready to pack his stuffs to go to the lecture when he realised the younger is still naked, rolled in the new mattress, looking as soft as ever.

"Why would I be? We've finished our test afor a while now and only waiting for the grades. People are lazing around and I'm doing the same thing as well", he said through the sea of blankets, "Can you come and kiss me before you leave, Markie?"

"You were nowhere to be seen for a time now. I was just worried", the other answered and come to where the school's heart drop is lying and press their lips together gently, giving him a sweet chaste kiss while stroking the chocolatey locks.

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