*.✧ ↳eyes, nose, lips

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[oop, we're getting colors?]

 Obviously, Mark and Donghyuck received a lot of attention from the people that noticed they arrived. The fact that the school's sweetheart (debatable now) walking with Mark Lee, someone who the whole campus thought he was having a relationship with and then suddenly became distant for the school's jock is unbelievable.

 Oohs and ahs can be heard and Donghyuck bit his lips, feeling a little insecure that all eyes are glued on him. He felt cute earlier when Mark was the only one looking at him but all of the invasive eyes are now making him highly uncomfortable.

 The older seemed to notice because he secretly leans over and pats his back comfortingly, "Don't worry, you look gorgeous in this, people are just jealous that they can't be you"

 Donghyuck's contoured with a deep shade of crimson and he uttered a small, "Thank you, Markie".

 "Oh man, you two came!", Eunjae called them through the crowd and quickly wiggled his way through it to where they're standing. His blue hair is slicked back, blouse shirt half-tucked and skinny jeans that go with dangly chains. "Don't even, I know that I look good but you are both mind-blowing as well"

 Mark rolled his eyes and Donghyuck puffs out a giggle.

 They talked for a little until Donghyuck squinted his eyes to see the familiar figure glaring right back at him across the crowd, eyes clouded with something that he doesn't want to pin point.


 The young brunette turned to the two seniors, his fingers fiddling with one another, "So Minsung is calling me, I have to leave now. You all please stay in contact and keep updated if there is anything new"

 He cracked a small smile and even though they all know their plan is very pretentious, the best they can do is hope for the best.


 To say that Donghyuck is pissed is an understatement. He has been trying to get Minsung mad drunk, or at least worse than tipsy so that they could steal his phone but the jock is still unfazed, despite the fact that he has downed a fuck load of alcohol and at least five cans of beer.

 However, the older has successfully dragged him around as if he is some kind of accessory that the guy owns and shows around for fun. "I'm going back there to take you some more booze, don't go anywhere", he said, swallowing down all the unpleasant thoughts to say the things that could satisfy him.

 "You better not run off to some other guy, slut"

 when he gets back in the kitchen, he meets Eunjae again. "we saw you skipping back here so I came to see you, Mark is making sure the guy stays where he needs to be. Besides, it looks like he is causing you some problems to get him drunk"

 "That's true. How did you even get him dizzy, man?"

 The blue-haired guy lets out a small "Ah" noise and tugs on the guy that was standing next to him. "Are you having the stuff with you bro, I'm in desperate need", he winks and shake the drink in his hand.

 His friend laughs and quickly dig in his jacket, placing the pill in Eunjae's hand and snickered, "My boy finally got over that dummy Minsung, school's charmer is back in the game"

 Eunjae pushed the guy away jokingly, "Nemo your way out, Imma smack you for real"

 After the other left, the older drop the pill in the drink that Donghyuck is holding and say,"It's risky but the guy gets drunk easily when he is horny. You take him upstairs later and I'll steal his phone there. Get out of the room as soon as possible and Mark will be informed to protect you the moment you step out, no worries"

 "w..wait. You're telling me that the pill is-"; "Yes Hyuck, it's a vigara"

 The younger is taken back but considering about how confident Eunjae is, he nods.

 "Mark might panic because he is always worried about the smallest stuffs so please prepare yourself before you break the news to him:

 "You guys are really the match made in heaven, huh"

  when he came back to Minsung's grip, he hands the jock his drink, battling his eyelashes, "Let's get drunk, we can't have fun if you're sober"

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