*.✧ ↳lovely

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╚══════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══════╝ "You have to be kidding me", Johnny said as soon as he noticed the duffle bag in his step brother's hand when he opened the door, "What happened?"

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"You have to be kidding me", Johnny said as soon as he noticed the duffle bag in his step brother's hand when he opened the door, "What happened?"

Mark sniffled, not looking up from the ground and mumbled, "Can I crash in your place 'till graduation, something went down and I can't stay in my dorm anymore"

"Was it something personal or something related to you breaking school's rule?", the older asked, an eyebrow arched.

"Personal issue and I'm not ready to open up", the younger said.

The man could sense the true unhappiness dripping from Mark's voice and almost flood his doorway. Sighing, he moved away to show a way in for the younger, "Luckily for you Markie, I have a guest room prepared"

The younger muttered a small "Thank you" and take off his shoes, and head straight to the room where he had stayed in a few days in freshman's year and closed door behind.

Johnny and Mark have a good relationship for being each other's stepbrothers. The older acknowledged the fact that they were siblings when he was 15 years old and Mark was 11. It was hard for an angsty teen that went through a parents divorce to accept a new brother but through the years he had grew to love a rather adorable human being. Mark has changed a lot since they first met to a young adult with a grown mind and has become more silent but still has a nice heart ever since. They had so many appreciating memories together and Johnny has long considered him as a brother so seeing Mark standing in front of him today, looking all sad and teary made him feel like shit.

"Was that Mark? I heard his voice", his boyfriend's voice echoed the hallway as he came out of the shower, wet hair. The younger nodded hardly and walked over Taeil, placing his head on the guy's shoulder, "He seemed devastated, decided to came to us and lazed here until graduation day"

He met his boyfriend in Mark's university, he had just finished signing all the bills and came out of the place when he met Taeil who has just dropped his cousin off for freshman's year. Two years later, they're now in a stable relationship.

"He might be having some feuds with his dorm mate. That's why he have to moved out, he can't hide from someone who is constantly living and breathing next to him", the other shrugged and pats Johnny's head, "I feel like this is something very sensitive. Let him rest and then slowly approach and comfort Mark, okay?"; "Yeah, okay"


After they finished their dinner last night and Mark was about to drag himself back to the bedroom, Johnny called him. "Hey Markie, want some beer?"

"Sure", the younger said and come to take the bottles from his brother's hand but the older shook his head, "Beer and some bonding time"

Mark groaned but his he has too much respect for Johnny to deny his request so he followed the older to the balcony where his future brother-in-law grew azaleas and sat down next to the table they have settled there.

"Illie said I should wait but seeing your shit-eating expression, I would rather force you to spit that out and deal with a sobbing session", Johnny said, cracked open a beer bottle and put it in Mark's hand, "Now, spill Simba"

The younger takes a nervous sip, "Please don't fucking kill me though, I have a gut feeling that you would whip my ass"

"As long as it's legal, I will listen to you", Johnny said, ruffle the younger's hair, "I lived in Chicago for the first 15 years before meeting you little shit so I've saw things. Come on"

And so Mark did. He told his brother about how he had a fuck buddy and then just slowly but surely fell in love with the guy, knowing that their is no way he would have his feelings returned. And the situation that occurred today that something in his brain snapped and stormed away.

During his speech, he could see how Johnny's face slowly turned darker and darker. He could not tell if it's bad or good but at least the older was respectfully silent and didn't interrupt him one bit. It does feel a little better to put all of the things you were feeling out on the table for someone out of the game to understand and analyze it with him.

"What we had between us was crazy. Not included sex even though it's amazing, our physical contacts in general is so good, I feel like we clicked with each other so well. He could know what I dislike and so did I so we never argued well,...except today", Mark gulped, "I feel mistreated. Like I get it, we're fuck buddies not lovers so he could do whatever he wants to do but Donghyuck knows that I have fallen in love with him and that's his way to shoo me away..."

The older tried to adjust his mind to say something but it's pretty overwhelming. Mark...having a fuck buddy is already a very shocking information, and now a long, complicated problem that the Donghyuck guy brought in as well is also a storm to him. Johnny but his lips and put his hand on Mark's thigh. "When I said I've witnessed everything, maybe I was being too cocky. I know that you're pityingly yourself but I'm not here to push your head into deeper water and give you meaningless comfort. As a person who is standing outside of your relationship, let me set you straight: You and Donghyuck agreed on being fuck buddies and you caught feelings him which is already wrong and since that guy knew so he backed out using that way. Honestly, I feel like he did nothing wrong. I don't want to hurt your feelings since you're my only brother but—"

"I know, I know! But I was so sure that there is something more than sex between us...You know what I mean, like that sparkly feeling that you know that Taeil-hyung also felt when you kissed the first time...", Mark played with his fingers, "I know you get me..."

"If you insist it that way Markie..", Johnny finished his bottle, "He is either totally not interested in you the way you thought or does have feelings for you but is just shit at expressing it and ended up fucking it. Now that I put it that way, maybe you two are kinda similar"

He then looks at the scrunched up face of his brother and decided to stop the sarcasm.

"It takes some time to make things get back to how it should be. You two will need to talk it out, not now but sometime in the future. Don't force yourself to do so. And if things don't turn out well...", Johnny patted his brother, "We have each other"

Mark smiled sadly. "Yeah I guess so"

Mark slipped back into his comfy bed when a text popped up on his phone

injunojam's: hyuck said you left the dorm. he didn't say anyth but i figured smth went down between you 2. is this abt ur relationship?

seagulman: i'll tell you tmr, it's complicated.

He tossed the phone to the other side of the bed and curled into a ball under his blanket.

Lee Donghyuck....Fate really wants to fuck with us.

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