*.✧ ↳heaven [end]

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"I-I still can't believe THAT happened", Donghyuck exclaimed, pure happiness plastered all over his face, "I have no relation with Minsung whatsoever now. Mark, I'm free!"

The older can't help but smiles at the younger's uncontrollable joy. A sheepish smile, he dreamily commented, "Yeah, we are"

They are now back at Johnny's apartment, all tangled up under Mark's fuzzy blanket with the younger cuddling cutely into his embrace, head laying his shoulder. Mark really wishes he is drunk or else, Donghyuck just somehow got even prettier. Sparkling eyes, heart-shaped smile and overall, completed. He don't feel distant anymore, drastically different from what he felt like before the incident.

So many things have happened in the past weeks and their relationship has gotten tighter, so much more committed and to Mark's surprise, he has fell even harder for the beautiful brunette.

His heart shakes when he is met with Donghyuck's doe eyes. It feels so right when the boy is in his arms and—

"Donghyuck, I love you"

The younger immediately stopped rambling, obviously taken back by Mark's sudden confession. The Canadian is also surprised himself, didn't intend for those special three words to just come out of his mouth like that. His mind told him not to but je guesses his heart cannot take it any longer. Wanting a real relationship, to claim Donghyuck as his lover.

"What did you say again", Donghyuck asked, trembling, almost appalled.

Seeing how the younger gives him a bad feel. Nervously puffing out a breathy laugh, he tries to keep himself calm, "Gosh it just that.... I don't know why but...", he murmured and take a hold of the younger's delicate hands and pressed to his chest, where he could feel how fast his heart is beating. "Donghyuck, oh, Donghyuck"

"I'm-I'm here"

"We started as fuck buddies but over the years, I got helpless, helplessly attracted by you, naturally, you know, just like how everybody else in the campus got a little crush on you since you're the best at stealing hearts of the people you meet with your harms", he gently stroke the other boy's hair, eyes filled with affection.

"But I feel like, like, our connection is so strong, as i it's more than just chemistry. Hyuck every single person that met us wondered and the ones who knew us want us to be one and I'm no odd one out. I'm sorry I'm no jock boy nor filthy rich, I'm awkward and frustrates you out because of my silliness all the time. However...", he swallowed thickly,

Donghyuck's heart is beating like crazy. He knows what Mark is wanting to say, he knows it's inevitable and as a habit, he almost wants to back off, to not get himself or his crush in trouble. Keyword, "almost".

The younger then realized that there is nothing holding him back anymore, nothing to be bothered with. It's time for him to drop the ignorant act and lives by his feelings, the one thing he has been running away from and stomping on Mark's poor heart on the way, idiotically.

"I love you, I love you so much that it hurts me when I know I can't have you", Mark press their forehead together, tears cornered his eyes, "Do you want to hit the jackpot with me?"

Giggling, Donghyuck jumps from his place and fall on Mark, a chain of "Yes, yes, yes, yes" leaves his mouth. When he stops, the clock seems to stop working as well because time stopped when they admired one another's features.

"I have been waiting for that answer for so long, you know?"

"I can't say I'm any different"

Lips slowly connect, savor the new flavor of romance

(welcome to eunjae love club)

Eunjae arched an eyebrow when an anonymous caller popped up on his phone, he picked up nonetheless even though he is very much, confused.

"Eunjae-hyung?"; "Who is this?"

"I-I'm Chenle. I'm here but I don't know where you are though and I don't want to go in because I'm not dressing up..."

The Chinese boy's innocent voice snapped him out of his daze, throwing the bottle of alcohol away, he quickly asked, "What? You're at the party? Who told you to come?"

"Donghyuck hyung called me earlier and said something along the line of they had to leave without you and you need a ride home. So I'm outside...", Chenle said, "I'm just across the street. Can you find me?"

"Y-yes! Don't move, don't go anywhere, I'm heading out", Eunjae worriedly answered.

He didn't even care to bid goodbye to his friends since he is too busy, sprinting out to find the younger.

And there stands Chenle, under the dim streetlights, brightens up the whole neighborhood as if he is an angel himself.

Eunjae's bruised heart skipped a beat when he sees the small, green-haired boy wave at him animatedly, cute calls of "Eunjae hyung!" towards him.

Everybody deserves love, right?


"this book has finally finished and i don't know what to say but to thank you all for all the love and support. i had such a fun time writing this book and all the memories that have been created during this era, i will forever cherish"

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