*.✧ ↳comfort crowd

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When the sun shines through the window of Mark's bed room, he groaned and mumbled, " Who the fuck forgot to close the curtains again? Hyuck, go close"

 But then the drowsy guy remember Donghyuck and him have been separated for a few weeks now so...."Wait, isn't he here though?"

 Mark turned aroind and his heart dropped to his stomach when he sees the empty spot next to him, having no sign of a specific human being there last night. There is no way Donghyuck slipped through his fingers again, not when he haven't got the chance to tell him what he wanted to say.

 "Donghyucl!", he yelled loudly as he stumbled off his bed, mind twisted in the fear of hope vanishing, "Lee Donghyuck! Lee Donghyuck! Lee...."

 "Geez Mark", the younger cut his words short and welcome the guy with a shinning smile and place a cup in his hand, "They went out and left us this tea, your brother said it can reduce head pain from our drunken night"

 "You...you're here?", he asked, almost got out as a mumble and Donghyuck booped his nose, "Of course I'm here, I'm sober and seemingly offended because of your tone kinda make me feel like I shouldn't be here"

 Before they could say anything else, Mark pulled him into a hug and digs his face into the younger's neck to inhale the scent he have been missing like crazy. "Please don't go, I wouldn't know what to do without you ", the guy mumbled miserably and the other lets out a breathy laugh that is wet with bitter sarcasm, "I'm not like you Mark" before pushing him a way softly,leaving Mark dumbfounded.

 "But I'm here anyways because I'm that dumb to come crawling back"

 It's not a "I promise", not a "I won't" nor  "I will" but just a mocking manner and a statement of being present for the momment. Nevertheless, Mark's heart calmed down.


 They were having breakfast, pancakes drowned in maple syrup and a pregnant silence. After a while, the Canadian decided to break it, "You know Hyuck, the squad is missing you. Just because you have a boyfriend now doesn't mean we're suddenly all strangers"

 Donghyuck knows he is not only confronting him about "the squad" thing nor he was being rude towards him even though his words are but the tone says the otherwise. But it pokes right into his nerves. Mark was the one who didn't want to listen to a word he said, the one who decided to move out and leave him all alone without knowing what he is dealing with for the sake of Mark's repuptation.

 Even though he knows this talk will ended up nowhere near the word "great" and he will have his feeling shot right through, he still want to keep Mark unproblematic and far away from the public's eye because his profile have been squeaky clean and nothing but a great friend, a overwhelmingly nice to professors and people in school. He don't want their sextape that Sung got to be leaked and destroy all of that.

 His mindset was simple when he met the guy to discuss about arranging. He didn't care about his "sweetheart" title to get wrecked, didn't care about how people will change their way of thinking about him but he did care for the same thing about Mark so he accepted Sung's offer of being his fake boyfriend, a sex buddy 'till the other want to end it. It's a total loss for him but it's okay. 

 But he is breaking apart already when Mark took it out all on him right when he found it, not even bother thinking twice and moved out. What hurts him the most is that the older stomped out without acknowledging his miserable attempt of telling Mark that he does love them. He poured everything he had in La Vien Rose, hoping that when the older hears it when he came back, he would know that he is not some dumb manwhore trying to sneak away from him to stay out of love. But none of that worked out, did it? 

 "What possible evidence did Minsung found that make you go down, hands and knees for him Hyuck?"

 Mark is triggered. He is trying to save them but the younger refused to answer him and hide himself by scrolling through the phone, avoiding his gaze. And when he was ready to burst, Donghyuck put his phone down the table and push it near him.

 A full, clear sex tape of them.

 Their dorm room. Donghyuck's back is shines with sweat as he bouncing on him and  even his face is visibly recognizable. It's guarantee that they will get kicked out of the school for this because in this video alone, they have already did too many things that the school forbid, follow with the Internet's roaring reaction.

 But what's the worst thing? He was the one who set up the camera for that day. He was going somewhere far away for a week and dragged Donghyuck in to did this. And it got leaked. He didn't know who got it and where they got it from but they did. "Familiar, am I right, Mark?"

  Even though Donghyuck didn't say it, he knows that it's his fault that they're stuck in such unfortunate  situation. The guilt inside of him come flushing like uncontrollable stream . He leans forward and hold the younger's hand.

 "I should have stayed and listened to you. I was out of my mind and I made you-"; "It's okay Mark", the younger said, a small smile present on his face, "I know you didn't leak it. Mark, you're graduating next year and I'm doing what I consider what I know is the best for our future, so you could live peacefully"

 "Why are you keep saying like that? I'm not cutting ties with you no matter what! More than fuck buddies, we have our friendship, we have a bond that both you and I know is there", Mark lowers his head and squeeze Donghyuck's hand, "And I love you too much to do that. The way you treated me, the way you kissed me and that La Vien Rose song that you sang gave me hope that there is a posibble path for us to run. Give us a shot, I beg you"

 So he knew. Mark knew. The thought growed in his heart and cover his shattered a heart a little better. Donghyuck leans over and life the Canadian's chin up. It's crazy how years have got by and he still able to feel butterflies when they locked eyes. Their eyes are not as glassy as they were when they met but dipped in sadness and stress now but the beauty stays and it's all what matters.

 "It's going to be hard and my intention stay the same Mark, I'm not letting you ruin everything you have and will have for me", He held Mark's nape, "I want you to promise me that"

 "As long as you say yes, than yes, I promise", Mark said shaking, "But I'm going to get you out as well and when I do, I'm not taking a 'Whoever will date you in the future will need to know that he hits the jackpot Markie' as an answer"


my writing just went to shit.

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