*.✧ ↳idle town

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 Donghyuck turned to him, a small smile on his face as he waves his hands awkwardly, "Surprised?"

 "You didn't tell me... What? Why are you here? No,...I mean...", Mark stammered and slapped his own head to calm himself down from all the explosive emotions he is being hit with, "You're Taeil's cousin?"

 Taeil hums, he pats the tan skinned boy's head and say, "Yep, this is the cousin that  I dropped the day I met Johnny so he is my lucky charm now"

 "Oh so I'm Cupid?", the younger smiles teasingly at him, head titled cutely, "I would love to be man of honour at you two's wedding"; "Oh please" 

 It's a sight that Mark missed. He missed the younger, the one with a cheerful vibe hugging him and all bratty like how he is. He has so many things to say, to ask, to confess but Mark knows it's not a good time so he bottled himself up. After all, Donghyuck's presence has already made up for all the sadness he has been going through for the last couple of weeks.

 "Don't just stand there, Mark, go lay the table out with me, we're having some family bonding time", Johnny nudged him lightly with the bowls in his hands and Mark coughed and go pick up the chopsticks from the cupboard.


 "Why didn't I know that my literal crush is your boyfriend's cousin?", Mark snarled when they're sitting at the table after finishin their work and the other two is still lurking in the kitchen, "I could have reached out to him sooner!"

 "I did not know, okay? Taeil talked about him a lot but I have never seen the photos", the older shrugged.

 "Listen, I know it's surprising but he is staying here for two days of the weekend. And he specifically asked to so that means he knew you're here and want to be with you, good sign? You two talked it out and save that....whatever relationship that you want to acomplish", Johhny gave him an advice and Mark slumped back to the diner chair, nodding.

 The dinner passed by like a blurry flash to him. It was a lot of alcohol, gibberish talking and a lot of laughing. Donghyuck acted natural towards him, sometimes chimes in for a funny jokes or a story to tell. He was so blessed that it's not awkward and they could have fun like how the old days.

 The meal ended with his brother putting all the dishes in the dishwasher and Donghyuck demanded watching Coraline for a throwback and they all snuggle on the comfortable couch with snacks everywhere.

 Eventually, he sometimes will steal glances at Donghyuck, still in awe how this sudden peace is here, how his heart is warm besides the younger. 

 Donghyuck seemed to notice but he didn't turn to him. Instead, he slowly tangled their fingers together and lay his head on Mark's shoulder, mumbling, "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere"

"You have a lot of explaining to do", Mark murmured, "And I'm letting you go this time"

 "I also hope that you wouldn't stomp out too"

 The screen is flashing, volume on max but they're blocked out of this world, enjoying the moment that they're in. 


  When the movie hit its end, they all drunkenly shtumbled back to their room. Their brothers slurred some kind of messed up goodnights and shut their bedroom's doors. Donghyuck giggled and pulled Mark into his bedroom.

 He wrapped his hands around the older's neck and their foreheads connected, eyes meet eyes.

"You look so bad, you know that right?", he asked, sadness and his funny voice mixed together. Mark rolled his eyes and sarcastically replied, "Ah yes, I wonder why"

 The younger leans forward and tried to kiss him but Mark stopped him midway, a finger on the younger's soft lips. He don't want this. At least not now.

 "Hyuck, I want our things to be cleared before we do something and both you and I ended up regretting later"

 Donghyuck whines lazily and tugs his shirt but the older shook his head. "M...mark. Please"

 "You broke my heart Hyuck. I know that there is a reason why and I want us to talk about it first"

Mark didn't know what he has to go through to protect him, didn't acknowledge all the messages he has sent and now rejecting him. Maybe it's the alcohol or the younger could not takes it anymore and some switch in him flipped.

 Donghyuck bursted out to tears. "You...you didn't know. Bastard, why don't you understand?"

 Mark is taken back, obviously. Seeing his love so broken softens him and he use his hands to wipe out all the never-ending tears but give up. So many unanswered mysteries but Donghyuck is breaking down in front of him and he is no cruel enough to push it any further.

 "Why are you so...heugh...angry with me? I did...did the best for us", he sobbed, "I'm so sorry Mark but I have my side too"

 Yes, Donghyuck has his side too and Mark may or may not did not care about it. It suddenly make Mark felt so horrible.

 "Can we just sleep tonight? I promise I will be less of a mess in the morning", the younger said, eyes shining with tears.

 Mark bit his lips and nodded.

 When they both tangled under the sheets, they both passed out. And for he first time of the month, he could sleep straight like that. No wild dreams or interuptions.

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