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It's the first time Eunjae looks at himself after Minsung dumped him and he looks...awful. The guy picked up his dirty, damaged blue hair and laugh bitterly.
"What the fuck am I now? Who is this?"

Eunjae would never let himself to look like this before, he has always been extra conscious about his appearance and never forget to polish himself to looks attractive so he could fit in. And here he is now, looking like he crawled out of a dirty swamp because someone who he thought is the love of his life left him for no reasonable reason.

His love was betrayed and he is hurt. Deep down, he knows it's time to move on and give Minsung what he deserves and this "love" he blindly thought he was in is nothing more than a sick manipulation. And after the talk he had with Mark and Donghyuck today, he's dragged out of misery and decided it's time to let go of things that are no longer valuable.

Picking up the scissors on the counter he put it up near his head and start trimming the tips and smile at his reflection.
"Okay Eunjae, it's time for a new chapter of your life"


The ride home is not necessary quiet but it is, they are drowned in a weird pregnant silence and Mark and he finds it weird that Donghyuck has been silent after their meeting with Eunjae. The runt's eyes are locked outside the windows and he can't help but to steal glances here and there just to see if he is doing alright.

"You could just ask me, don't steal glances as if you're some kind of weird creep", Donghyuck suddenly say, still looking out the cab's window with his head on his hand.

Mark flustered and fake a cough to hide his embarrassment.

"I'm just worried. The things you said to Eunjae, the plan.... I didn't know about it"; "I hacked out the plan on the spot and is crafting it in my head. It's not something brilliant and completely based on how lucky and fast we could be but it's the best thing we could do"

Mark gaped his mouth in disbelief, "Hyuck, we can't do something that no one could guarantee could work out. We only have one chance and if we fucked up, who knows what Minsung could do to you?"

"Yes, it's risky but didn't you say just then that you will support me no matter what?", Donghyuck turned to him, eyebrows furrowed and his tone show his obvious upset, "Mark...Don't you have faith in me?"

The older groaned and he held the younger's hand and pressed it close to his heart, "Listen, you're one of most intelligent people and I would never doubt you but I don't know what you're doing and I just want the best for you...the best for us. Promise me that you will tell me as soon this plan is finished?"

"Yeah, okay", Donghyuck sighed and slowly untangle his hand from Mark and trace his fingers down Mark's jawline. "Thank you for going through this with me"

Mark smiled and kisses the younger's hand, "I love you, I wouldn't hesitate to do all the things I need to do so that we could be together"

Donghyuck titled his head, "I didn't agree to that"

The older's mouth dropped, "P-pardon?"

Right before Donghyuck could reply, the cab stopped and the driver say, "First destination, here we are kiddos"

Donghyuck nods and mutter a small "thank you" and right after that he pulled Mark close and peck his lips. Gosh, it feels so right when their lips collied. It's been so long since they have a bit of this romance and Mark was not planning to let go. However, Donghyuck does when the older wishes he could linger to savor that strawberry chapstick that the younger put on.

"You should probably buy me a jackpot ticket first", he smiled cheekily and open the door and leave.

Mark was left, dumbfounded. What does that even mean?

We're about to go in very long, hard to write chapters so I decided to put out this semi-long chapter so we could chill out a bit with the positivity. —viesie

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