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Eunjae looks dead, he is totally different from what Mark remembered him to be when they last bumped into each other two months ago. The guy used to looks like your college dream boy but now everything is just bad. His blue hair is damp and greasy, sticking to his forehead, dried tears left traces on his haggard face. It seemed like it's not only them that went through a bad time but also Eunjae as well.

 "You guys want anything, it's on me", he said and Donghyuck shook his head politely, "We're just fine. Me and Mark are just here for...the tape"

 "Oh...", the older murmured and takes a sip from his coffee cup. "Before we start, I just want to apologize to you two, especially Donghyuck for getting you two in trouble. I was just so pressured and stressed out that I lost my mind", Eunjae sniffled, "I'm worthless now. All I do is...hurt people and I don't deserve my life, not even a second chance"

 Mark and Donghyuck give each other a pity look. Yes, the guy might be the root of all their troubles but they couldn't let anger blinded their eyes so the younger decided to do what he considered the best in the situation. He leans over and hold Eunjae's hands whose owner is shaking uncontrollably. "Listen, no one deserve death and suffer like this. If crying is what you resort on to make you feel better then cry it out hyung. Me and Mark will be here until you're ready to tell us your story"

 "Why...are you not angry?"

 "Because I cannot judge without knowing what went down behind the scene and from what I observed, you didn't benefit from this, Besides, the fact that you're willing to meet us here today has already make me can't bring myself up to hate you", Doghyuck voiced and his soothing words calmed not only the poor Eunjae but also shut down Mark's burning rage.

 Donghyuck smiled at him and tangled their hands together under the tables.

 15 minutes after that, the guy has finally came back to his senses, the hiccups stopped and Eunjae is now looking at them with eyes filled with guilt.

 "I'm ready to give you my explanation".


 "Me and Minsung were dating since highschool, all before he became like this. It was cute, it was hot and almost nothing to complain about. I felt like we were having the fun we needed but then he disappeared during summertime before collage and came back as a whole identity."

 "What do you mean...different?"

 "He was somewhat a nerd, he plays sport decent but love to drown himself in books more and I was madly in love with him. He was gentle, sensetive and loving. I didn't and still have no idea what went wrong that made him went to the route he chose of being an asshole jock now. We were still dating after that, it's just that he ordered me not to show intimacy during school anymore, which was something I put up with. He is rude and the whole dating is just straight stress for me. I loved him so much but it's all a haze", the guy run fingers through his damaged hair, "My pride is shattered because of him and I should have left but....I fell into Minsung's black hole and can't climb out anymore'

 Mark then popped the key question, "Then why are we here today? What happened that made you decided to sacrifice Donghyuck to him like that?"

 Eunjae smiles bitterly and continue.

 "Donghyuck got popular in junior year and I didn't know why but Minsung got his eyes on you, probably because of your gain from social media and wanted to chase after you. I observed and realized it's not because he is attracted to you romantically but the sweetheart aura that you radiates. It triggered his needs and he want to you know...wreck that, that's why he wanted to cut ties with me. When he called that night, we were on that scholarship to New Zealand and I was making the presentation on Mark's laptop. As a habit, I started to clicking randomly and actually stumbled on you guys' tape. I thought it was a perfect neogation because it's something that could ruin your repuptation and Sungie accepted to stay with me if I send it to him. It's a stupid idea now that i think back but I was such a clouded mindset then to understand how invasive and cruel I was"

 "And it proved. I knew that Sungie threatended you with the tape so that you have to stay with him and I got humiliated and dumped by him not long after. I spaced out for a couple weeks after that, just to rethink my whole existence and the relationship between me and society. I snapped out of it but....:, his words started crumbling, "It's too late. I...I was so ashamed of myself and I saw you two drifted apart, I...am devastated. Please, please believe me, I...I really wanted to phone you guys but I'm just...just too much of a coward to do so"

 Donghyuck really should be irritated, he should be in immense anger right now since he was a filthy sacrifice for a blinded man but he couldn't be. Eunjae poured his heart out for them and told him the darkest and most disturbing part of his life that he probably have to hide from everyone that the guy is still overreacting. He knows bein mentally unstable is not one's fault, not when they were mentallu abused for such a long period of time.

 "Don't you want to hit me?", Eunjae asked weakly, he grabbed Donghyuck's hand and bring it up to his face, "You can h..hit me, it would make you feel better"

 Mark sighed and easily pull the younger's hand back and shook his head. "I don't think any of us want to hurt you. After seeing the whole story, it would be riddiculous of us to fight you or a reason like that. Yes, it was stupid of you but the one to blame is Minsung and he is the one that needs to be punished", Mark clicked his toungue, "I'll save my punches for Minsung"

 "Why are you being so nice!? I can't just do nothing, I need to payback for what I did", he begged.

 "You have been friends with Minsung for how long now, hyung?", Donhyuck asked, his eyes light up as if an idea have been crafted in his brain.

 "Almost a decade...What?"

 "There is a party after graduation day and I thought we could...arrange this whole thing", he said, "It just came to my mind a plan but the possibility is not very high but............."

 "I'm ready to do it. All for nothing, let's do it!", Mark said, assertively, "If you like it or not Eunjae, I'm forcing you in"

 "I want to join to, I would do anything in my part to solve this"

 "Great", Donghyuck squealed happily. He then eyed the older up and down and whisper awkwardly, "Just for the factor, I suggest you look like you have your life together next week. Is that okay?"

 The blue-haired guy lets out a small 'what?' and look at his reflection in the mirror, "Ah right... I look like shit"

 "Take care of yourself, I hope that we could solve not only our problem but also yours", Mark said, rubbing Donghyuck's hand with his, "Really looking forward to move forward to the right path from now on"

 Eunjae sighed, "Yeah. I hope so too"

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