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It's hard. It's hard to keep on living and act like you're fine but is actually shattered inside. He loves Donghyuck. Truly and and deeply. He loves the boy mote than he could describe and it is causing immense pain. Even though their "relationship" was cut short as fuck buddies, he believed their friendship remains for the sake of the friend group they are in. That's also why he is physically present at the cafeteria's table that they're usually sit in. But Donghyuck probably disagree with him since the younger is not here as he was every other day.

"I'm so sorry Mark hyung", Chenle said, genuinely hurt when his favorite brother looks so down, "You do not deserve this. No one does"

Jaemin nods understandingly. They seven as whole has always been there for each other and this sudden "break up" come as a shock, affected the atmosphere. It was Jeno and Renjun first to become a couple, then him and Jisung and they were all silently expecting Mark and Donghyuck to become a thing before the oldest graduates but now everything has busted like a bubble. Needless to say, he can tell that he is not the only one who is devastated.

"I have tried to strike out a conversation to Hyuck the other day...", Jeno rubs his hands together, brain twisted when he remembered how his best friend acts, "But he always finds a way to change the subject whenever I touch on it"

Mark laughs it off but his laughter is so bitter that the others could recognize it. The Canadian could see Donghyuck across the next table, his waist is being held by the guy he is now dating, sitting with the football's team all smiling and talking happily.

He moved on so fast. No. Actually, it was just him who needs to move on because he is the dumb one that thought there will be a love story waiting for him at the end of the road.

Donghyuck must have feel the burning eyes on him because seconds later, their eyes are locked. The younger's glassy eyes are so beautiful, precious and hurtful beautiful. It drills in his brain and also his heart, he wanted to try and waves his hand but couldn't move. All he wants is to frame this moment and not ruin it. He feels like he could crumble down like a chocolate chip cookie and the end of the world is coming. But honestly, the apocalypse has already arrived when Donghyuck dumped his love don the drain.

No words were exchanged but their emotions flow like rivers and Mark knew what he thought is in fact correct, Donghyuck does have interest in him. But why did he shy-ed away from them then? But before anything could unraveled, his happiness was snatched away and Donghyuck is pulled into a rough kiss.

He knows the younger is against it, he hates doing those kind of things in front of the public eyes. And it was proven true when his hand gripped hard on his pants and the roar of "oohs" and "ahhs" could be heard from the table.

"I am your boyfriend Hyuck, not him", the guy said to Donghyuck but eyes on him, "We are boyfriends baby, not fuck buddies"

Mark gulped, his hand fisted. So that's why...


He has tried to dial Donghyuck the whole day but none of his calls were answered and all sent to voicemails. Mark really wants to approach the younger and talk to him but he is always in sight of the footballer's boyfriend. He is too afraid that he insisted, Donghyuck would be hurt and so he backed away.

"Hey Donghyuck, I don't know if you will listen to me but please at least contact me some way somehow. I need to talk to you, I really need to..."

He put his phone down the bedside drawer down the bed, putting a pillow on his face and scream into it, trying to contain his sadness and anger. He has never felt so burned out and helpless and Mark himself is on the edge, taking the last term test the next week.

He is so beaten down.

A knock on the door could be heard and Mark shook himself and say, "Come in please"

"Hey Markie", Taeil poked in and say, "I just want to tell you that my cousin just called and umm...he wants to crash in this Sunday and I agreed. But since you're with us now, I was wondering if you could let him sleep with you for one night. He said it's fine but I need your consent", Taeil scratched the back of his neck, "I really don't want him to sleep out the sofa"

Mark sighed and nods, "Yeah I have no problem with that. It's already a bless that you and my brother let me live here"

"We are all family, me and Johnny will always to try our best to make sure you're happy"

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