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"Okay now that's just absolute bullshit", Renjun said, annoyed as he elbowed his boyfriend, "They act like that and tell us to believe that they are only friends"

Jeno looks up from his meal, totally confused why the Chinese thought it's a good idea to attack him like that while he was enjoying his lunch but follow the piercing gaze anyways and see Mark and Donghyuck. The older is typing something in his laptop, probably tracing his deadline with his earphone in one ear and the other one is in his best friend's ear. Donghyuck is having his lunch, head lazily laid on the other's shoulder and casually feeds Mark his food when he feels like it and Mark being Mark would takes it. "Oh them. Yeah they're kinda fooling us"

"I know right. We ARE a couple and we don't even act like that, that's too cheesy and them, they are just—", Renjun lets out a disgusted noise, his face scrunched due to the cringiness and moments later small fists slammed down the cafeteria table, catching the "friends" to take attention to him.

"Jeno, control Injun", Donghyuck whines tiredly as he snuggles closer to Mark. They fucked to hard yesterday in such a uncomfortable position so all of his limbs are tired meanwhile Mark has to finish his deadline that he completely forgot about. And now Renjun is being too loud and all he wants to do is hide under his blanket .

"I will be normal if you stinky hoes tell me the truth that you're dating each other", the Chinese huffs, hands folded in, "I am pretty positive about that"

Mark would love for it to be positive to. They love in the same dorm room, in the same friend group and are next to each other 80% of the day, acting like they are dating all the time yet that's just an illusion for him because it's only Mark who acts truthfully and the younger only treats him the other way around because he is clingy and comfortable around him. No feelings involved.

"I take offense. There is a thing called 'friendship' and me and Mark are that. Strictly sis", the brown-haired guy said, his mouth jolted out a little when he got into an uncomfortable position and let out a small whimper. Mark is moving away from him and his back hurts like crazy due to the leaning over and as soon as the older heard it, he scooted back immediately, hand placed on Donghyuck's back and rub it, soothing the boy out. "I told you that you could just have s break day, you disagreed and now acting all cranky"

"Shut up, you're not innocent", the younger glares him and pinch his thigh, making the older sigh, "Alright, just rest then, I will keep my mouth shut"

 "You guys are like...a couple", Jeno murmurmed and Donghyuck gives him an eye but bat it right away. "Shut up, Je" and the eye smile guy slumped back his chair.

 "Yeah, I like that more", Donghyuck purrs lazily and put his whole body agaisnt the Canadian, small snores coming mintues later as he revives his energy from last night. Mark looks down at the younger lovingly and carefully remove the untensil from his hand and place it on the lunch plate, pushing it away to avoid the possible spillings only to meet the judging eyes from his two friends.

 "Shut up", he snarled quietly. "I didn't say anything!"; "You were thinking, it's annoying!"

(if you get that reference, cry with me)

"Of course we were Marcus Holmes, Hyuck might be oblivious as fuck but I am not", Renjun rolled his eyes, sarcastically commented, "He is too much of a rock to understand the feelings you develop towards him"

 The Canadian hums and stick his eyes back to the laptop screen, ignoring the truthful words of his friends. People can easily see it, he doubted if Donghyuck does or not but the younger is a bright minded kid, he is either ignore it or really don't believe. And if that is the case, why would he even tried to hide it? Donghyuck enjoys the admiration, he got his non existece warmth of love in return, a win win situation.

 "Don't ignore me like that, I know you care", the Chinese said, "You're leaving this year Mark, if you don't want DOnghyuck considered you as a memory, you need to tell him. By what I have observed, there is a high chance that-"; "Stop talking Injun, I don't want to play a game that I know is out of my league"


 In the shower that night, when Donghyuck is sitting nice and preety in the older's ap, letting Mark rub shampoo on him and wash him since he is too lazy to do it and more interested in blowing bubbles, he speaks up.

 "You know Mark, there are a lot of people who thought we are a couple"

"Yeah there are", he answerred the motion of his hands slowing down by the ticks of the clock, pushing the next sentence out hardly, "You're bothered, aren't you?" 

 The younger wiggled his ways and turn to Mark's side, "I don't know. I mean we're not, obviously but it does help me get out of uncomfortable situations of denying people who has feelings for me that I hate"

 So am I just a tool to you?  Mark bitterly thought, his neck felt like there is a bone inside, making him incredilbly down. He knows his place, he knows that he does not have the right to be upset like this but he loves Donghyuck. After two years of being together as dorm mates, as fuck buddies, he catched feelings and has the privilage to be next the school's sweet heart almost all day every day but he still...one huge step from being Donghyuck's lover. "You might as well continue to stay with me until you graduated as well so I could be the imaginary older boyfriend"

 "You're so silly", Donghyuck giggled

 "Am I?', Mark said, his eyes glued tight to the younger's, "Then it just because it's you"

"Whoever will date you in the future will need to know that he hits the jackpot Markie", the guy said and leaned over, pressing their lips together to stop his heart from beating so hard. 

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