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Days after days and Mark feels like he is dying in every moment. The immense unhappiness that he now knows that he is not the only one who is suffering but also is Donghyuck when he is in a trapped relationship is slowly wrecking him, breaking him apart. Johnny reminded him to stay focused for the tests that is coming the following week but he could not bring himself too. He did not know when but the tanned skin beauty has become his top priority and the thought of the boy is now slipping through his fingers is too overwhelming for Mark.

He shakes his head to gains consciousness and twist to door knob, opening the apartment's door. And immediately, Taeil's voice rings through the place and his small figure comes out of the kitchen, smiling at him softly.

"Hey baby, I was expecting you. I made some Chinese dishes that you like", the man winked, "Treat my cousin good in return, okay?"

"Cou...what?", Mark looks at the calendar on the table and lets out a small 'oh' noise when he realized it's Friday already. "I mean, of course I would treat him nice, why would you think I won't"

The man shrugged. "Maybe it's because I see a future in you two"

Mark's mouth gapes open at the comment. The older fully acknowledges his current situation and think that he could set him up with some random boy? He has always seen Taeil as a very sensitive and caring person so this is surprisingly...rude. He awkwardly scratched his nape and say, "Imma...clean my room. Thank you for the suggestion though"

Watching the boy sprints in his room and closed the door behind his back, the smile on Taeil's face slowly turned into a mischievous smirk.

The television in front of him is playing some unknown shows, screen flashing in front of him . He has tried to phone Donghyuck a few more times today but (of course) he is sent to the voicemail.

He feels guilty for their case. The reason why Donghyuck was forced into that relationship is because that jock guy somehow found out that they are fuck buddies and instead of telling him and find a way to solve the problem, the younger decided to puts it all on him to save his reputation, more than ready to throw away his sweetheart image.

Mark grunts, so beaten down by the recent events that he just wants to hide from the world forever. He has managed to take a shower and now don't know what to do. His mind is twisted, filled with the thoughts and memories of his crush.

"It's funny how you're the innocent one in people's eyes but is actually sucks dick every morning as an exercise", Mark said jokingly, his fingers running through the younger's soft locks as he said, "I am impressed how you still managed to keep that title"

Donghyuck chuckles and gives him a look. He looks so beautiful as always even though they just had the most mind-blown sex. Damp bangs, half-lidded eyes with lashes that are all teary because Donghyuck is that type of bottom that balls out when he got fucked nice and deeply. His body shines with sweats and Mark swears he needs to physical stop himself from taking the younger for another ride. He puts his head on Mark's arms lazily and say, "Well, I don't go fuck around. Let's just say I am loyal to my awesome fuck buddy. Don't leave a trace and you're good to go!"

"You got me halfway until the leave the trace part", Mark answered, circling the blooming red hickey on Donghyuck's neck, "They look beautiful on you"

"I still cover them with foundation the next day though?"; "Doesn't matter, I take pride on that"

"You're so whipped for me, aren't you?", Donghyuck asked teasingly, he rolls his body and placed himself on Mark's, a smirk on his face, "We are fuck buddies"

Mark hums and stroke his face, admiring the beautiful features. "Who wouldn't be whipped for you, Lee Donghyuck?"

"True, I'm the best", he shrugged and nuzzle Mark's chest. "But the thing is mister Shy Boy..."

"I'm yours for now"

For now. That hurts. He should stop thinking back about their history together. It does nothing but hurts him more than he already does...

"Fuck you...", Mark mumbled under his breath, "How could I stop falling in love with you?"

(The reference is so old, if you got that, hello my fellow gen2 lengend)


A sudden knock on the door snapped Mark out of his dream zone and get back to reality.
"Hey Mark, Taeil's cousin is here and dinner's ready. Hit or miss?", Johnny knocked on the door and call, "If you don't, leftovers will be in the fridge"

Mark, who has finally stop procrastinating, got up from the bed and put his slippers on, "Nah I'm coming down"

Johnny was waiting for him by the door and before he could get out of his room, his brother holds his shoulder. "Don't flip, okay? I was just acknowledged"

"What are you talking about?",He titled his head and the older shakes him again, "Just promise me that you won't be a wimp"

"Fine, just let me go", Mark sighed and lightly shove his brother to the side, walking right out.

The delicious smell of kimchi jjigae got him hook and follow the smell into their kitchen.

"I didn't know that you could cook", Mark said in awe, he wrapped his hands around Donghyuck's waist, "My ideal type that the one that could make my tummy full"

The younger snorted and say, "Convenient, move in with Gordon Ramsay then"

"Nah, I would not put my dick anywhere him"; "Okay that is so not funny or romantic"

What is his brain doing? He has constant flashback about Donghyuck.

"Oh hey Mark, I see that you have finally exited your hell of a cave and have dinner", Taeil turned around and say to him, "Sit down, everything is done. I was struggling with jjigae earlier but my cousin came and saved the day with his skill. Let me introduce him to you"

And everything seems to be blurred out the next moment. They guy who was standing next to his future brother-in-law turned around and Mark almost have a heart attack, all heavens and hells have broke loose at the same time. Never in a million year he would have thought that there are such happenstance in the world.

There he is, in front of him...

"His name is Lee Donghyuck. Say hello"

i am gay for seulgi.

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