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There was a boy.

Inside a bustling parlor, laughing and easy chatter could be heard by the people who walked by as it flowed through the open windows and slightly ajar door. People sat on booths and crowded the stools by round circular tables as they squeezed beside their friends, but no one knew the boy inside there.

He was sitting next to 4 people. 1 girl and 3 boys and they were all smiling and laughing as they talked amongst each other. The boy was smiling too, mouth wide into a grin and cheeks red in an excited flush. He was eating ice cream along with his friends when suddenly his hand holding the spoon slowed down, but he didn't stop smiling. His body was frozen but his face still smiled and his mouth laughed and it wasn't long before he started to gobble the ice cream down with a cheeky grin. He stared at the dark haired man next to him with a warm gaze and the man stared back with an equally warm gaze too.

But no one in the room knew the boy.

And no one noticed that his once clear and serene eyes turned dark in a blink of an eye. They were dead, soulless eyes, and if anyone were to reach into his soul, they'd know that his soul was a very broken thing.

His eyes would light up as if a flame were in them when he looked at the man. But that flame was a very tiny flame in a very cold and very dark room. There was no door to let the dark out.

They didn't notice.

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