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May 6th.

[Luka's POV]

It was Monday. And I went to school. Everyone looked at me with strange gazes but no hate. Maybe Matteo didn't tell anyone about me? I couldn't know. None of his friends were at school. They probably know now. They're probably looking at me because of the black jeans and hoodie.

I didn't talk to anyone. Didn't speak to the teachers. Didn't talk to my classmates. I didn't do anything. I sat in class with my head down and didn't respond when the teacher called for me. I didn't each lunch. I sit under our tree — mine and Matteo's. I don't think he likes the tree anymore.

I don't think he loves me anymore.

I was a zombie as I went through the school day, dead eyes and face pale. I wish that I couldn't heal so that the injury Matt gave me would've killed me instead. But it didn't. I'm not dead.

But my heart is bleeding, and pain is clawing at my chest and breathing moment.

I wish Friday would come faster.

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