n i n e t e e n

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June 3rd.
3:47 a.m.

[Luka's POV]

I open my eyes.

I turned on my side and deeply inhaled,

It smells like Matteo.

This room smells like Matteo.

That thought made me happy.

I looked towards my side and saw my mate.

"I love I love I love I love I love I love..."

I bent over, clinging my arms around his neck. He was asleep.

It was still dark, but the moonlight shone brilliantly in the room.

The cold blue light lit up the face of my mate.

I could perfectly see his face.

I looked at the sculptured perfection and was in awe.

"I like I like I like I like I like I like..."

His lips.

"I like I like..."

His eyes, if they were opened, they'd be a bright saturated forest green.

"I love I love I love I love..."

I inched down my gaze to the stubble steadily growing on his face.

"Hmm, I like..." I whispered aloud, bending down from above him to rub my face onto the scratchiness sprouting from his face. Slowly, I started to mold my body against his.

I felt happy when he sleepily hugged my waist.

* * *

June 11th.
2:07 p.m.

"Hmm...Matt?" I asked beside me, staring intently at the taller boy(?). Sometimes werewolf genes confused me. He didn't look like a teen at all.

"Yeah?" he rumbled, walking up beside me. We were taking a stroll through the forest outside before we were to have an appointment with Dr. Iris. I wasn't quite sure why she was there, or why I need to be checked. I'm fine, right?

I paused that thought.

I combed through my memories. Or the memories I do have. I noticed. I'm not stupid.

I have a feeling I've said that before.

Looking through my memories, I concluded. I was not fine.

Or I wasn't fine.

I won't be fine.


"Why am I not going to school? Shouldn't they be wondering why I'm absent?" I asked, really wondering why no one has said anything about this. Matteo grimaced before smirking slightly.

"I haven't told you this...before, but this town is a known supernatural...gathering you could say. Supernatural can live here peacefully among humans because we have an agreement between both humans a supernatural."

"Really!?" I exclaimed, shocked. How would any human manage to not tell anyone about this? They could literally dredge up unlimited amounts of evidence of them and alert others about them!

"Yeah," he nodded. "In exchange for keeping our secret, supernatural are occasionally sent out to protect humans. For example, the mayor and his son have supernatural bodyguards. We're occasionally asked to solve human crimes—usually murders and the like as well. Even though we're tasked to protect humans, they do not have that much power over us. It's a mutual agreement—meaning that both races are doing it willingly. Vampires are even required to tell a human that they are a vampire and if they can drink from them or not.

"That's kinda cool," I said, but I frowned. "So then why haven't I seen anything from my parents?"

"Well..." Matteo's brows furrowed. "Your mom was there when you were brought into the hospital," I raised my brows. I still didn't know why I had been in the hospital, but he disregarded my questioning look and continued talking. "She looked...tired. It's kinda weird. Actually, she said she'd keep in touch with us, but every time we've tried to call her, it went right to voicemail. And we haven't heard anything from your father—nothing. It may be because he already knows your situation, but I doubt he's not reaching out because of that." I stayed quiet when he talked about my father, but something irked me.

"Why would he know about my situation?"

Matteo sighed, "The whole town knows. All supernaturals would naturally know. Who wouldn't want to know who the mate of the next Alpha in line is, from one of the only two packs in the town?

"Ahh," I said lukewarmly. "I guess that makes sense."

* * *

June 11th
2:46 a.m.

"You've been healed for quite a bit of time, Luka. There's no point to dwell on that with you any further, added with the fact that Matteo's giving you his blood." I blushed a little at Dr. Iris's words. Matteo chuckled beside me. Everyone was in the living room with me, Matteo's parents and his friends. I had a feeling...that they were waiting for something. The air was bright, and the tired faces I used to remember were replaced with smiles.

Those smiles all look a little forced.

They were smiling, but the tension was in the air, growing with each passing day.

"It probably won't be long until you regain all of your memories, Luka. Be prepared for them. At that point, I want to schedule an appointment for Luka to talk to you about Hybrid body language and talk about everything up until May 8th..." she trailed off, loudly running her pen on her clipboard. "And...I suggested accepting Luka into your pack." Everyone exploded.


"Isn't that a breach of—!?"

"Luka would even know—"

"So we disregard his privacy!?"

Dr. Iris sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. She opened her closed eyes that held countless years of exhaustion and spoke. "With what happened, do you really think that what Luka needs is privacy?" everyone was dead silent.

I inwardly thought.

If it is what I think it is...

I don't think I need privacy either.

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