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May 10th.

[Luka's POV]

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry to the guy who's mate I called fugly. I'm sorry that I broke your arm when you wanted to swing a punch at me.

I'm sorry for everyone I've mocked in the hallways. I'm sorry for everyone who I've laughed at during class. I'm sorry to the teachers I've made cry. I'm sorry.

But you don't have to worry anymore. Today's Friday.

I woke up.

I took a shower. I used my blade again.

I bled a lot today. I cried because the pain didn't beat the pain pounding in my chest.

I got dressed. A black hoodie and black jeans.

I walked to school. I noticed that I didn't bandage my cuts correctly and blood was leaking out. I didn't care.

I walked up to the steps of the school, and the chattering kids stopped to look at me. They glared with hate. They glared with loathing. The one who tried to punch me yesterday was there too. His arm was fine; he was a werewolf, so it healed quickly.

But I was still sorry.

And something clicked inside me as I looked at those resentful stares...

That everyone hates me.

So no one will care if I leave this place.

I pushed past them and approached the glass doors of the school until someone—Kyle stopped me. He was shorter than me. His brows were furrowed and mouth hardened into an angry line when his eyes suddenly widened, and words died on his lips. I followed his gaze. He was looking at my sleeve. Blood was steadily dripping down my arm as if it was a faucet. I guess I really didn't wrap them right, wait...No, I didn't cover them today. Oh well.

"Luka—!" Kyle suddenly said, but he stopped when he saw my dead eyes silencing him. I shoved him out of my way, softly, and walked down the main hallway of the school with large strides. I turned on my heel and abruptly turned to my left, and twisted around the halls until I was bounding two steps at a time to the school rooftop.

The breeze was cool as I walked with quiet steps. It was high enough here. I slowly walked to the edge of the rooftop and sat down just before the lip. Pulling out my phone, I decided to apologize to everyone.

I know a lot of things. That doesn't exclude people's phone numbers. I opened up the messages on my phone, opened a new conversation and poured every single phone number I could think of into it. Except for Matt and his friends. They hate me. They won't care whether they get a sorry from me or not. I wouldn't care either if a fucking mutt did that to me either. This is what I wrote:

I'm sorry. For everything. Sorry for existing.
Erase the things I said about you from your minds. They aren't true. Just take it as a grain of salt from your neighborhood mutt.

But listen to this song for me ?

Thanks. I love you all :3]

And then I sat. And then I waited. Because like the song said, I want you to hurry. I wanted him to hurry. Hurry hurry hurry...

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