Begin #6

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The guys had a wonderfully lustful night filled with exotic events. Jimin and Yoongi both felt relieved and forgot all of their worries. They both felt pleased with the night they just had. The guys were tired after fucking so they took a shower and went to sleep. They were both sleeping peacefully until Jimin started to have a weird dream but there was something so familiar about it.

Night One
Jimin was sleeping peacefully hugging Yoongi from behind as if him and Yoongi had been a couple from the start. Everything was fine until Jimin starts to have a very peculiar dream.

"Wow Jin Hyung! You get male animals and alter their inner organs to be more like a female's!?"

"Yes Jimin, your hyung here is very smart if you didn't know that."

"Hyung.... Have you ever tried doing it to a Male before. Like and actual human male?"

"Jimin, of course not. I've been doing this to reptiles only. It's only been recently that I've started to test it on mammals. And only three out of the five male test subject that I used had given birth successfully. So no it would be hazardous to do it on a human being. Yet."

"Aww. Hyung. Wait how about you do it on me. Why don't you make me your first human test subject?!"

"Jimin! Did you not just hear me? It's dangerous and you're one of my best friends I can't put you in danger. Plus, you don't even know how I do it."

"Jin Hyung please~. We don't even know if it will work. For all we know nothing happens and there are no side effects. Plus, you can tell me how you do it. I'm a smart person and I learn quickly I can tell you if I want to do it after you explain it to me. Please Hyung~~."

"Jimin.... I don't know about this. What if you hate me after this? What if you actually get pregnant? What if you die? I could never live with myself if you died because of me."

"Jin I won't die. I Promise. And I want to do this. I won't hate you either. This is my choice. Well, if you perform this on me."

"Jimin. Fine. But I'm gonna explain how this works to you. Okay?"

"Yes hyung. Whatever you say~"

"Okay I'm not great at explaining things so I'll try my best."

"Continue, I'm getting anxious. In a good way."

"So, first I prepare the test subject for surgery. For you, uhh- you would have to um- shave down there in your no-no zone."

"Hahaha, okay hyung I can do that. That's not that hard."

"Second, I would have to get a female womb and their ovaries. Which I already have."

"Uhhh. Why do you have that."

"Don't worry it was for my projects and there was consent. I didn't take them without permission."

"Ok so what do you do with them?"

"Okay I'll just say this in a easy way. Third, I open you up and I make way for the womb and ovaries. Then I'll connect them with uhh- your uhh- anus......which is where the umm- baby should come out of."

"What the fuck. Oh my gosh, hyung that's hilarious. I still don't have any problem with it because I trust you."

"Yeah yeah, anyways after that they'll be a part of your reproductive system and you should be able to give birth. Key word: 'Should'. You will also have periods. Sadly. Hey at least you won't get cramps. That's not part of this process."

"Okay, hyung I'm still up for it if you are?"

"Are you really sure you want this?"

"Yes hyung, let's do it tomorrow."

"So Jimin, it's been four months since the surgery. Has your has your monthly friend come yet?"

"Wow hyung 'monthly friend', really? Anyway no it hasn't. I don't feel anything though. The surgery might not have worked."

"Well you're still fine, right? So even if the surgery didn't work you should be okay."

"Yeah hyung, it's been four months I would've notice by now if something happened."

"You're right well at least we tried. Thank you Jimin for being my first human test subject."

"You're welcome, but I prefer to be called client who's surgery failed. Lol. I need to go now hyung. Bye."

Day Two
And with that Jimin woke up little beads of sweat on his forehead hugging Yoongi tightly. He wasn't sweating because of a nightmare he was sweating because of frustration. Jimin's mentally freaking out about the situation and tries to calm down after realizing why he had a weird feeling after Yoongi came inside of him. "Jimin, it's okay, when Jin performed the operation on you, you didn't get your period and there were no side effects. You can't get pregnant. You're ok Jimin. Calm down." With these last thoughts Jimin was able to calm down.

"Hey Jimin you okay?" Yoongi says worriedly with a raspy voice since he also just woke up.

"I'm fine Yoongi I just had a weird dream that's all."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No thank you, Yoongi. Anyway I need to go now."

"So early?"

"Yeah, I have to go to work. I work as a cafe manager. I work nearby actually. At Pink Jin's house? You know that place?"

"Oh yeah I've been there a few times with Taehyung..."
Yoongi said this in a cheery tone until he said "Taehyung".

"Are you ok Yoongi?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Anyway you should get dressed now, you don't want your boss getting mad at you and chopping off your balls. I'm not taking the blame."

"Wow, that does sound like something my boss would do. Anyway I'm gonna get dressed now."

Yoongi watched at Jimin getting dressed his eyes admiring Jimin's every curve, every muscle, every little detail, everything was just in place.

"Yoongi? Yoongi. Yoongi!" He snapped back into reality.

"Stop staring at me like you're about to devour me as if I were food. I know I'm hot."

"Yeah sorry about that"

"Anyways Yoongi I'm about to leave now bye- Oh wait!"
Jimin hurriedly walks over to Yoongi who was still in bed.

"Give it to me." Jimin demands reaching his hand out towards Yoongi.

"Give you what? My dick? Uh you're gonna be late-."

"No silly! You're phone. Give me your phone."

"Oh Okay, here. Why do you want it though?"

"You know, just in case I'm 'needy for daddy's attention'." Jimin winked at Yoongi and opened the door to leave.

"Oh yeah you can keep my toys its not the last time you're gonna see me I'll make sure of it. Bye Yoongi. See you later."

"Yeah Jimin. You too bye."

And with that Jimin left the hotel heading to work because if not Jin will beat his ass harder than Yoongi did except it won't be with a dick but with a metal spatula that he always carries. Jimin wouldn't want that.

Yoongi just stayed in bed. He was tired after yesterday and needed sleep after pleasing Jimin having five rounds of hardcore sex. Honestly Yoongi was right Jimin was the best ass he's ever gotten. "Gosh, this kids gonna be the death of me and my dick isn't he."

Yoongi drifted off to sleep after mentally praising Jimin once again. Jimin got to work on time and didn't get his ass beaten by Jin and his spatula. Both of the guys are in peace. For now.

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