Spine Breaker #29

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It has been four months since Jimin had Yoobin. The first month was glorious, filled with learning and love. The next three months were harder. Jimin and Yoongi could not get a break and Jin has to take care of his cafe. Since Yoongi has been needing to work on his music, Jimin has been dealing with their baby alone. It has been taking a tole on both of them.

Day 260
It's mid day and Yoongi has been working while Jimin suffers with the baby.

"Damnit! Yoongi! Help me!" From stress and pressure of Yoobin crying, Jimin accidentally spills the milk formula on the floor.

"I'm sorry baby. I need to go meet up with Namjoon for the album." Yoongi kisses Jimin and rushes out the door.

A tear rolls down Jimin's face. Yoongi hasn't been helping him at all. Sometimes Jimin wonders if it's worth marrying Yoongi at all.

Jimin sighs shaking the baby bottle. He brings the baby into his arms causing her to calm down a bit. Jimin smiles as he feeds his daughter. Once the baby was done drinking the milk, Jimin turned her around and helped get the gasses out.

Jimin carries the baby and sits down on the couch. He cradles the baby safe in his arms.

"Shh, it's okay Yoobin. Just go to sleep. Sometimes I regret this.., obviously not having you but with the person I had you with. But it's okay you're too cute to get mad at-"

"Is that so?" Yoongi says out of no where.

Jimin turns his head and sees Yoongi with a pissed off face.

"Wh-when did you get here? I thought you left?"

"I came back to get something and I come back to hear you regret being with me!"

"Look I didn't mean it. Don't talk loud you'll make her cry."

"Whatever." Yoongi goes upstairs and comes back down leaving, not even looking at Jimin.

"Fuck." Jimin mumbles.

He hears soft snores and looks at his daughter. Going upstairs, Jimin walks into his and Yoongi's room where the cradle is. He sets down Yoobin and goes back to his own bed to take a nap.

Jimin lays down on the bed and gently rests his head on the pillow while covering himself with the blanket. He starts to think about the events that happened earlier and cries himself to sleep.

"And then he says that he regrets having a child with me!" Yoongi vents out to Namjoon.

"You want me to be honest?"

Yoongi nods at Namjoon.

"I would start to have doubts as well. From what I see, Jin has been the one helping Jimin out the most with Yoobin."


"Look dude, you spend too much time working. Why? You have your own hours and you can work at your house. If I were Jimin I would begin to think you're avoiding being home."

"Fuck... you're right. And then I yelled at him in front of Yoobin. But like, I need to work and earn money for them-"

"Yoongi are you listening to yourself right now? You're basically a millionaire Yoongi. Why the fuck do you need more money? What Jimin needs right now is help parenting. I've taken care of babies before and let me tell you it's not an easy job and I had people help me. Jimin is supposed to have you but you're not helping."

"What should I do now? Knowing him he probably cried himself to sleep." Yoongi feels like he wronged Jimin.

"Well, first step is probably to apologize and change before he starts to think of taking the ring off."

Yoongi nods and grabs his bag.

"You're right. I'll do it right now."

"Wait Yoongi! Aren't we supposed to finish this verse?!"

"We'll do it later. By that I mean like next week." Yoongi smiles, "Bye!" He waves and leaves the studio.

Yoongi gets in the car and drives off to buy some stuff before going back to his house. Yoongi reaches the supermarket, Hoochie Gucci in ma' Poochie.

Yoongi buys a few things. Those "few" things costs him 200,000 won. "Damn, I really am rich. Why do I even work that hard?" Yoongi thinks as he gets in the car.

He drives off to his and Jimin's house. Opening the door, he hears... nothing? Yoongi sets down the bag on the dining table and walks up the stairs to his room.

"Hello?" Yoongi says softly.

Yoongi walks in his room and sees Jimin laying on the bed while his daughter is in her crib.

Yoongi sits down on his bed immediately waking Jimin up. Jimin opens his eyes and sees Yoongi. He glares at him and covers his head with the blanket.

"Baby. I'm sorry.... I wasn't thinking."

Jimin scoffs under blanket and responds, "I can tell that."

"Look, I'll spend more time helping you with our baby. I'm at fault this time."

Jimin takes the blanket off his head revealing a small smile.

"You've been laughing at me under that blanket haven't you?" Yoongi playfully smiles.

"You know-" Jimin pauses for a second, "You were a real asshole earlier. What I said wasn't right but, you shouldn't have yelled at me in front of Yoobin. And you should also understand what I'm going through. You have plenty of money. You don't need to work that hard right now. All I need and want is help. Because boy, let me tell you, I need SLEEP. You hear me? S-L-E-E-P!"

Yoongi laughs as Jimin tries to spell "sleep" in English.

"I know baby. I'm sorry. I'll help you from now on. You can count on me." Yoongi says crawling on top of Jimin.

Jimin smirks, "Well I'm counting on it."

Yoongi grins back at him and starts kissing him softly.

"You-should-do-this-more-often." Jimin says in between kisses.

As Yoongi starts sliding his hands under the blanket and Jimin's shirt, a cry was heard. Both guys look at the crib and see that Yoobin is awake.

Jimin smirks deviously and takes Yoongi's hand out of his shirt.

"Looks like Yoobin is calling her father. Goodnight sweetie~" Jimin says teasingly turning around and properly covering himself with the blanket.

Yoongi smiles at Jimin's cuteness. He gets off Jimin and carefully picks up Yoobin. He leaves the room with Yoobin babbling in his arms.

"I don't know what Jimin is complaining about? This is easy." Yoongi says sitting down on the couch.

Morning comes. Jimin and Yoongi both wake up to Yoobin crying.

"Welp. Rise and shine." Jimin mutters.

Jimin looks at Yoongi and sees major bags under his eyes.

"Holy shit. Yoongi you okay there?" Jimin tries not to laugh.

"Huh? Oh yeah. Totally. I-I thought it was going to be easy..... bu-but she started crying and wouldn't stop. I literally went to bed an hour ago...."

"Welp.. karma's a bitch. It's okay baby." Jimin kisses Yoongi's forehead and lays him back down, "Now you know how I feel. I'll take care of her for the morning. You'll take her in the afternoon okay? Go to sleep."

Yoongi nods and quickly falls back asleep drowning out the sound of Yoobin crying.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Jimin says to Yoobin, "Mama is here."

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