Boy in Luv #7

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Yoongi came inside Jimin. Jimin said it was okay and that Yoongi shouldn't worry. During that night Jimin had a dream, a memory, of a "surgery" he had during his college years. Jimin thinks nothing and leaves Yoongi in the hotel room. Yoongi finally gets up and leaves. The only thing on his mind at that moment was Jimin.

Day Two
Yoongi is in the car driving to a local Starbucks to get an Americano for his daily work. Yoongi works as a music producer which means he can work at home in his personal studio. He loves this job because he can wake up at whatever hour he wants and no one can give him shit about it.

Yoongi arrives at Starbucks and orders what he wants. As he was getting his Americano, he decided to get a sandwich as well. Yoongi orders his food and as he turned around after grabbing his items the cashier started to talk. A female cashier.

"Wait!" Yoongi sighs and turns around.

"Yes, Mam?"

"Um, can you give me your number?" Yoongi scoffed at this question and smirked.

"Sorry lady, I'm gay and taken. Bye." As the cashier heard these words she instantly froze in embarrassment. And with that, Yoongi just left.

As he was driving Yoongi started eating his food that way he didn't have to bring his food inside, and could just throw it away as he gets out of the car. "I'm a genius, I'll just throw the food outside of my house in the trash. Wait... My house. Fuck, Taehyung and Hoseok might still be there and on my bed. Oh well, I'm moving anyway. I just have to look at the rent today." And with that last thought Yoongi finished eating and drinking his food. At the exact time he was done with his food he arrived at his house. Well, it's not going to be his for long.

As Yoongi gets out of the car, he throws his food out just like he planned. He goes up to the front of his house to open the door. "Please don't let there be a naked Hobi and Taehyung on my bed. I still need it until I find a new house." He enters his house and looks around.

"Nothing seems to be out of place. Just yet." He walks to his dining table and puts the bag of "toys" Jimin gave on there.


Yoongi hears some noise up stairs. "Fuck! They're still here. Well it's not like I care, I have Jimin and I love Hoseok too much to break off our friendshi- Wait why did I think of Jimin I only met him yesterday. I couldn't be falling in luv with him, can I? Anyway I hope those two aren't fucking. Again."

As Yoongi reached the second floor he walks towards his bedroom door. He leans in and puts his ear against the door to see if he hears something. Yoongi stays there for a few seconds until he confirms that they're still sleeping. "That noise earlier was probably something to that fell. I should mess with these two a little bit." Yoongi starts to laugh quietly as he thinks about yelling at them.
Yoongi opens the door and walks in slowly looking at Hobi spooning Taehyung while hugging him tightly. Yoongi's heart hurt a little bit but the pain went away when he saw how cute they actually were.

"Rise and shine! Mother fuckers! Wake up time to eat breakfast! I'll cook." Yoongi yells this at the top of his lungs without breathing.

"Aw.. what the fuck Yoongi why are you being so loud hyung~." Hoseok woke up without realizing that he was spooning Taehyung.

"Mmm~ babe what's that loud ruckus going on?" Taehyung also wakes up a few seconds later.

Both of the sleepy guys were still oblivious to the position they're in. Until Yoongi decides to tease them.

"Oh gosh, you guys are so adorable. Now get the fuck up, before my bed gets even more dirty than it already is because of you two fucking on it." At these words Taehyung and Hoseok's eyes became wide open and took their hands off each other. They just remembered what happened the night prior to this one.

"Yoongi I-" Yoongi cuts Taehyung off knowing he's about to apologise again.

"Come on guys. Rise and shine. Take a shower or something I'm gonna make breakfast then take a shower now go." Yoongi goes out of the took then goes down stairs to go in the kitchen and make some eggs and bacon because bitch everyone knows he's the master at making breakfast.

Hoseok and Taehyung looked at each other and wondered if Yoongi was okay. The image of him crying while telling Taehyung that his dick was better than Hoseok's(which is a huge lie) kept replaying in their minds. "How did Yoongi get over it that easily? Is he okay?" These were the thoughts on both of their minds. But they followed Yoongi's instructions and took a shower and went down to eat.

"Damn that smells good!" Hoseok said which made Taehyung chuckle and Yoongi smiled.

"Come on sit down, breakfast is ready hoes."

Hoseok and Taehyung nodded and both sat down next to each other while Yoongi was facing them. They all started eating. Taehyung and Hoseok's face of pleasure while eating was very noticable.

"So Yoongi, uh last night while we were uh um doin- uh. Yoongi I'm sorry!" Taehyung got up and bowed down to Yoongi in apology for lying to him about their relationship.

"Taehyung. It's ok." Taehyung looked back up and stared at Yoongi as well as Hobi.

"What do you mean hyung? It's not okay I lied to you about me and Hobi's relationship."

"I'm not saying that was okay. That was a complete dick move and you should know better than to lie to me but that's not what I meant. I meant that it's okay that you luv Hobi and not me. You can't force luv on people. I can't force you to luv me that's also a dick move." Yoongi chuckles at his own comment in agreement.

"Yoongi you're literally the swaggiest person I've ever met." Hoseok says while eating his bacon.

"I know anyways I'm gonna go out in a bit after I take a shower."

"Wait, why hyung? Where are you going? Omg what did you do yesterday?!"

"Calm down Taehyung. I just had a little fun that's all." Taehyung smirks after hearing this.

"Oh so you found someone else I see. That's why you weren't mad!" Yoongi let's a little smile out as he thinks of Jimin.

"Oh I see that! You're thinking of him right now!"

"Taehyung calm down and shut the fuck up or I'll stick my dick down your mouth. Let me eat my bacon in peace." Hoseok says this after finishing his eggs.

"Hoseok thats gross. I don't ever want to hear you say that to Taehyung in front of me ever again. Do it in a bedroom please not mine though."

"Anyways~ hyung how does he look? Is he cute? Does he have a big dick? Does he have a huge ass?" Yoongi smiles a little at this question but tries to hide. He fails. Taehyung saw that smile.

"Ooh~ he has a big ass doesn't he? Of course he does. Wait it can't be better than my ass, can it?" Yoongi just gets up the chair while smirking and he just shrugs.

" Hyung, please~ tell me what they're like!" Taehyung keeps on asking Yoongi for info on Jimin. By this time Hoseok was already watching TV in Yoongi's home as if it were his house.

Taehyung keeps on bothering Yoongi until it's Yoongi's turn to leave the the house. He's going off to Pink Jin's house. He's going to find Jimin and maybe fuck him once or twice cause why not.

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