Blood, Sweat and Tears #27

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Jimin was supposed to be in labor a while ago but nothing has happened. Yoongi proposed to Jimin and they are both now engaged. As they watched Titanic, to celebrate the engagement, Jimin suddenly got a weird feeling. He went to the bathroom and came out later telling Yoongi to call Jin while holding his belly. Yoongi calls Jin in a hurry telling him to get there. Jin arrives at Yoongi's house and immediately attends to Jimin. Jimin is now laying on the bed in one guest rooms as Jin takes out all his medical supplies including a scalpel.

Day 144
"Jin! Wh-what's that for?"

"Oh this?" Jin holds up the scalpel.

"Yes that!"

"Well, long story short, the child ain't coming outta your ass cause that's weird. So I need to perform a C-section on you. Hooray! Now come on I need to get the IV."

"What! A C-section! Bro! You're going to kill me!"

"That child is going to die inside of you if you don't get it done."

"You have anesthesia at least, right?"

"Of course Jimin, I'm fully prepared. Now it will take a little longer cause it's just me. You shouldn't feel much pain. Trust me though, you're going to feel so fucking uncomfortable." Jin said preparing Jimin's arm for the IV.

"Alright, I'm ready." Jimin said.

Soon after the anesthesia started to take affect. Once Jin noticed it he started organize his tools.

"I'm sorry." Jin said before beginning the procedure.

Yoongi on the other hand was freaking out. He was pacing back and forth outside of the room Jin and Jimin were in. He heard everything that Jin said making him feel even more uncomfortable .

"Yoongi! Go wash your hand and cover your hair! I need your help!" Jin yelled from inside the room.

"Fuck.... oh gosh, is he going to die?" Yoongi talks himself.

"Yoongi!" Jin calls again.

Yoongi reluctantly goes to wash himself and gets ready before preparing to walk in the room.

"Took you long enough. Now help me!"

Yoongi walks towards Jin with a grossed out look on his face looking at all blood.

"Jin I know nothing about this."

"I know that Yoongi. I just need to you to hold something so he doesn't bleed out. No biggie." Jin says sarcastically, "Oh my gosh! Yoongi! Put on the fucking gloves and help me!" Jin yells impatiently.

Yoongi does what he is told and puts his hands where Jin's are.

"Thank you! Now I can continue. Apply pressure there until I'm done."

"Uhh. Really?"

"Yes now shut up. I need to concentrate."

Yoongi looks back down and sees his hands covered in blood. Jimin's blood. He looks back at Jimin who's completely out of it with his eyes slightly closed. It was clear that Jimin could still feel what Jin was doing.

It hurt Yoongi seeing Jimin like that so he looked away and kept applying pressure where Jin told him to. Time passes, minutes become longer and Yoongi starts to become impatient.

As Yoongi was about to say something, he heard a cry. "Oh shit oh shit oh shit I'm not ready oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit. Is that?" Yoongi thinks still with his eyes shut. He decides to take a peak and sees Jin holding a small purple-ish alie- I mean baby.

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