Embarrassed #8

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Jimin was extremely pleased with the night he had with Yoongi and wouldn't mind having another hookup. Though the dream he had ruined his mood a little. Jimin got dressed and decided to give Yoongi his number and left him his bag of toys so they can have "fun" next time. Then Jimin left to go to work at Jin's restaurant. He planned to ask him something about his dream.

Day Two
Jimin left the hotel and called a taxi. He waited in front of the hotel standing up for 20 minutes until he got tired. Like a little kid Jimin decided to sit on the floor. He popped down on the floor pretty hard with the help of gravity.

"Fuck. My ass hurts now. Well it already did. Yoongi went rough on me, didn't he?" Jimin smirked at the thought of what he and Yoongi did last night.

"I'm definitely going to call him next time my ass needs someone. Oh yeah I should ask Jin about it." Jimin said this laying on the ground until he saw Yoongi coming out of the hotel. "Fuck fuck shit. This would be awkward if he saw me sitting down. Where is the fucking taxi?!"

"Jimin? Is that you?"

Jimin was thinking the gods must've cursed him until he realized that wasn't Yoongi's voice. He turned around only to find Namjoon standing there with Jin behind him.

They both were also in the hotel as well. Jimin's nervousness of being seen by Yoongi was the main emotion he was feeling right. He wasn't wondering why Jin and Namjoon were in the hotel.

Jimin in a rush grabbed both of there hands and started walking towards an alley right in between the hotel and another building. It was stinky and dirty filled with green stuff on the walls. Needless to say the three guys didn't want to be there.

"Uh- Jimin are you ok?"

"Yeah. Namjoon. Yeah, I am now." Jimin was panting from running when though the alley wasn't even one minute away.

"Jimin, I don't like it here." Jin said quietly as he coward behind Namjoon. Namjoon chuckled and hugged him.

"Jimin let's go to my car it's over there in in the parking lot."

Jimin nodded and followed Namjoon to his car only to see his taxi there. Jimin felt guilty for leaving the taxi there after he called the services and made the driver waste gas on coming here. Even though he felt like this he pretended not to know why the taxi was there. "This is a big asshole move but oh well." Jimin just shrugged it off and got in the back seat because Jin was in the front passenger seat..... Holding Namjoon's hand! Jimin raised his eyebrow and scoffed gaining attention from both of his friends.

"Yes Jimin?" Jin asked raising his eyebrows as well. Namjoon just turned around smiling. That smile quickly faded after realising what Jimin was about to ask.

"So, when did that happen?" Jimin said pointing at the couple's intertwined hands.

"So Jimin, after I took you home and we were cool I went to Jin's restaurant and well... We sorta made out on the counter anyway- we just went to this hotel since it was closer than his house. This morning though, I asked him out."

"Jin~ this is gonna make me UwU so hard. This is adorable Jin. Wait, since you're not at work does that mean there's no work today?" Jimin asked Jin with eager eyes hoping to get the response he wanted. Because if he didn't have to work he could see Yoongi. "Wait why am I thinking of Yoongi? We only had sex no feelings attached. Right Jimin?" Jimin said to reassure himself he doesn't want to fall in love just yet.

"Lol, Jimin. No there's no work today."


"Which means I'm not paying you for today."

"Fuck, hyung why you do this to me?" Jimin muttered this out bitterly glaring at Jin.

"Namjoonie~ come on let's go take Jimin home."

"Alright Jinnie let's go." Namjoon turned on the car engine and made his way out of the hotels parking lot and started to drive to Jimin's house.

Jimin looked at the seat next to him and remembered last night when Yoongi and him were in the taxi. Oh, right Yoongi. I should ask Jin now about the whole pregnancy thing. Even though he might've forgotten some stuff since he is an owner instead of a doctor."

"Jin hyung~ can you stay with me at home for a while, please?" Jimin asked Jin now since they were already three minutes away from Jimin's house.

"Do I have to Jimin? Is it important?"

"Yeah hyung it's pretty important. It has to do with the operation you did on me during college." Jimin whispered into Jin's ear so Namjoon couldn't hear.

When Jin immediately heard these words his smile faded and his face dropped. He looked worried.

"Jimin. Are you ok! Did you get your period?! Are you pregnant?! Did you shit out your womb?!" At this point Jin was almost yelling at the top of his lungs. Namjoon just looked at him worriedly but he didn't say anything he's not needed in this conversation and he doesn't want to be in it either.

"Jin calm the fuck down no I don't have my period, no I didn't shit out my womb, and about the pregnancy part probably not." Jin's face was starting to calm down until he heard the last part.

"Namjoon hurry up sweetie please I need to talk to Jimin privately."

"Alright babe we're literally one minute away."

"Jimin you're gonna have to tell me everything."

"I know hyung. I know. Don't expect me to be detailed though I'm fucking embarrassed to talk about this."

Jimin and Jin arrived at the house and they said their goodbyes to Namjoon. Jimin just saying goodbye and a simple hug whereas Jin decided to be dramatic and have a full fledge makeout session outside Jimin's house. Good thing the neighbors weren't watching. Hopefully.

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