Boy With Luv #9

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Yoongi reconciled with Taehyung and Hoseok. He can't break their friendship even though they lied to Yoongi. Yoongi was too distracted by the dirty thoughts of Jimin's ass that he could care less of what had happened. He was falling in luv with Jimin. Jimin on the other hand just considers this a one night stand that's gonna last for a while. He has no feelings attached c Yoongi yet. The previous breakups he's had, have made him lose confidence in his relationship skills. He tried finding luv and ended with Namjoon. Though, we all know who Namjoon ended up with. Yoongi came inside Jimin and he's a little worried. So Jimin invited Jin over to his house so they can talk about his problems.

Day Two
Jin was making some tea for Jimin because he knew that the conversation they were about to have was rough. Jin finished making the tea and brought it to Jimin. He sat down and started staring at Jimin's stomach.

"Jin. I got fucked yesterday. I wouldn't have a baby bump yet."

"Jimin, the animals I previously performed on had a baby bump in half a month. I know you wouldn't have a baby bump yet. I'm just staring cause I'm trying to focus and remember what to do to figure out how you would be pregnant. I'm pretty sure pregnancy test wouldn't and second you would have to wait around a month to take it so that's a no."

"What the fuck?! Half a month why such a short time? And just for a baby bump. Jin, I better not be pregnant. I'll look so fat and nobody will want to fuck me."

"Jimin you agreed to do the procedure and now you're regretting it? It's not my fault. And anyway, you never got a period Soo... There's only like a 10% chance of you being pregnant."

"Yeah yeah, I know and it the chances of me being pregnant are that low then I guess I'm not." Jimin's mind eased a little with the help of Jin's words and the tea he made. He started to feel very sleepy.

"Jin~?" Jimin yawned from exhaustion and the warm tea didn't help it just made him feel even more sleepy.

"Yes, Jimin?"

"Can I rest my head on your thighs?" Jin chuckled quietly and responded by nodding and putting Jimin's drowsy head on his lap.

"Sure thing sweetie. Go to sleep you must've been stressed." Jin said while playing with Jimin's hair. Jimin shook his head.

"Not really hyung, I don't believe I'm pregnant so I wasn't freaking out. I just wanted to make sure and talk with you about this- ahhh~" Jimin starts to yawn even more.

"Jimin if you were pregnant what would you want it to be and how would you name it?" Jin kept playing with Jimin's hair and petting it.

"Really hyung? Anyways I would want a boy and I would name him either Sebastian or Victor. I just like foreign names. I don't know.....why." And with those last words, Jimin fell asleep on Jin's lap. Jin chuckled and kept playing with Jimin's hair. Jin soon started to get sleepy as well so he covered Jimin and himself up with a blanket. He then fell asleep.

Day Three
Yoongi woke up in his fresh clean bed while remembering while it was clean he smirked to himself with that thought.

"Taehyung and Hobi, both of you how many times did you fuck on my bed?" Taehyung and Hoseok both looked at each other and smiled nervously and answered.

"Uh, around six or seven times? Why?"

"Omg my gosh, you guys are fucking gross. Go clean my room and I want you to buy me some new bed sheets right now."

"What why? And aren't you moving? Why now?" Hoseok didn't want to do anything today so he was upset.

"First of all, you're in no position to complain. Second of all, you guys fucked on my bed multiple times and that means my sheets are fucking dirty filled with you sweat, dead cells, and probably cum for all we know. So don't fucking complain and buy me new sheets." Yoongi shot this back at them and he was right they couldn't say no so they obeyed Yoongi's orders.

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