MAMA #22

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After being kidnapped, Yoongi calls Jin and decided to leave. Both decided to go to Yoongi's. They reach there and lay Jimin in Yoongi's room.

Day 26
"Jin you can go back to your house. I'll take care of Jimin."

Jin nods and vegans to walk out the door before rushing back toward Yoongi.

"Wait! I have something to give you!" Jin rushes over to his car and takes out a white plastic bag.

He runs back to Yoongi and hands him the bag.

"Here. You're going to need a lot of this."

"What is this- peanut butter?"

Jin nods proudly, "Yep! Jimin said peanut butter was the only thing that made him feel better after leaving you."

"Uhh, Okay then I'll keep that in mind."

"Anywhos~ I'm going to see my boyfriend now so bye~ and Yoongi," Jin glares at Yoongi with a smile.


"Don't hurt him. Or I'll cut your huge dick off. I know you dick is huge because Jimin would not stop talking about it!" Jin shudders at the memory of Jimin talking about Yoongi's dick for hours.

"OMG! Hyung you had to see it! It was humongous! Fuck the way it filled my ass up. Gosh maybe I should go back?" Jimin bites his lip and pouts before taking a bite off his peanut butter filled spoon.

"Sure do whatever you want." Jin says not really paying attention.

"No Hyung! How dare you encourage that idea! I can't go back that's preposterous. Then again that dick though."

Jin sighs, "Jimin? Where you only with him because of his dick and your horny ass?"

"To be honest I don't know. I felt weird with him. You know? Like I did with Jackson back then. But I haven't gotten this feeling in a long time so I don't know if what I'm feeling means I like Yoongi or something?"

"Gurrrrl it sure sounds like you do."

"Whatever Jin maybe I do. It doesn't really matter. Let's just go get some more peanut butter. I'm done with this jar"

Jin scoffs.

"How do you go from talking for hours of Yoongi's big dick to peanut butter?"

"I thought you wanted me to stop? I mean I'll keep talking about it if you want? About how long and thick he is... Oh wait, I already talked about that."

"Jimin stop talking and get your ass in the car unless you have money for the peanut butter?"

Jimin hurriedly rushes to the front door and heads to the car.

Yoongi sees Jin randomly laughing at something while walking out the door. "I guess he thinks my big dick is a joke? Tsk. I'm not even offended. I'm too worried about Jimin."

Yoongi walks to where they laid Jimin. It was supposed to be his room but in the end, they didn't bring him there because he needed a shower.

Yoongi gets a small, clean bathing towel and a bowl with soapy water.

He goes to Jimin and takes his clothes off. Gently wiping Jimin's body, Yoongi cleans every part of Jimin's body. Making sure to be extra careful with the belly, he finishes washing the younger and puts everything away.

Yoongi grabs some oversized pajamas and puts it on Jimin leaving him without underwear. He carries Jimin to his room and places him on the bed, covering his body under the covers.

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