Her? #28

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Jin just helped Jimin just give birth. Yoongi took care of Jimin. As they both rested, Jin took care of the baby and realized something weird. Yoongi woke up first and left Jimin to rest some more. He goes downstairs and sees Jin reading something while his daughter lies next to Him. Yoongi starts talking to Jin until Jin brings up the topic.

Night 144
"So, Yoongi something seems wrong about your daughter."

Yoongi's eyes widen.

"Wh-what do you mean?...She looks fine to me?

"Well. I don't think she isn't."

"Can you just tell me what's wrong?!"

Jin frowns.

"Call down chief. It ain't like she gon' die. It's just her genitals."

Yoongi looks at Jin with a confused face.

"What the fuck Jin?"

"Look I know it sounds weird. But, it doesn't look normal."

"So you telling me my daughter is going to die from abnormal genitals?"

Jin is dumbfounded and flabbergasted.

"What? No! All I'm saying is that she might not be a "she"."

"Well SHE doesn't have a penis so she looks like a female to me. She's just a baby."

"I know. I know. I just wanted to tell you. Something doesn't seem right."


"Just in case you see her start growing a penis. So you don't think she's possessed and call an exorcist."

"Why would I do that? That's oddly specific." Yoongi really doesn't know what to say.

Jin shrugs.

"I've seen some weird shit happen."

"Shhhh! Don't curse in front of her!" Jimin says walking down the stairs.

Yoongi immediately rushes towards Jimin to help him walk.

"Why didn't you call me?" Yoongi ask, Jimin shrugging afterwards.

"Soo-" Jin begins, "How much of our conversation did you hear?"

"Umm.... well I know that my daughter might grow a dick but it's not life threatening." Jimin laughs.

"Why are you laughing?" Yoongi asks.

"Because..... I'm tired so everything is funny... especially when you almost freaked out at Jin thinking that our daughter was going to die. Pfft!" Jimin starts giggling.

"Uhh Okay then. Yoongi just give him food he'll wake up like that." Yoongi nods and heads to the kitchen.

Once Yoongi leaves, Jimin turns to Jin.

"So what exactly is wrong with my daughter?"

"Uhh, Okay then. You're suddenly so serious. Anyways your daughters um "female parts" don't seem to be "normal". If that makes sense. Meaning that if you see her grow a penis, don't be surprised."

"So this isn't life threatening in any way?" Jimin asks making sure.

"No, she wouldn't die but it might be life changing?"

"How so?" Jimin asks.

Jin sighs.

"Imaging being born and raised as a girl. Then one magical day your private parts start turning into another gender. That's pretty life changing in my opinion. I mean, if I were in that position, I'd think witch cursed me." Jin and Jimin laugh.

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