Little Doll. (4)

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"Yo who the fuck is this little doll?"


The way that mans words dripped from his mouth filled me with fear and quickly sobered me up. I gulped, and the red hot feeling of terror made its way up my back and occupied the tips of my ears. My finger tips felt like ice and my throat felt dry.

"Cameron. Who the fuck. Is that. Is she cool or do I need to pop a bullet in her head? BLAKE!" He yelled. I started crying, after all I've been through, is this how I'm going to die? Who is Blake? Does he have the gun? Why is he American-

I had too many questions and now I just wanted to fucking leave, now.

"No, Eric just stop for a god damn second," Cam exploded after finding it in him to speak up. He took a few long strides towards the guy, "Calm down mate I had no idea you were coming over. Don't fuckin threaten to shoot my neighbor again, yeah? How much have you fuckin smoked tonight? Blake, take this inside."

Cam handed the object that Eric tossed at him earlier to a very beautiful girl who I could only assume to be Blake.

Blake is a she, got it.

Blake kissed Eric on the cheek before disappearing into the house. Another man popped out with a gun, "Who's head are we poppin' a bullet in?" He said excitedly. The fire reflected off of the silver pistol, making it sparkle. It made my toes turn cold.

"Matt, fuck off. We're not shooting anyone. Rory let me walk you home," Cam reached for the small of my back to lead me out but I pushed away, storming out of the backyard. I can't be here any longer. "Rory!" Cam called after me, but I ignored it.

Nothing on the side, huh?

He doesn't have an obligation to tell me but jesus christ I don't want to be involved with a man who's friends get excited to kill someone. Fuck that.

I walked through the living room, passing two other men. They stood up and glared at me before yelling to Cam. Obviously they didn't pay attention to what had just happened. After slamming the front door I heard muffled yelling from the backyard.

"Rory?" Katy asked as I swung my front door open with force. It bounced against the wall behind it, leaving behind a small dent. Thank god I own the house. "Rory what the fuck happened?"

"He's a fucking. His friends. Guns. Pot. They, I-" My breathing started getting labored.

"Shhh," Katy soothed while pulling me into a tight hug, "You're out of there. You're in your own home and you're safe. There's no guns here and no men."

"Don't say guns," I muttered against her chest.

There was rapid knocking on the front door. It made me jump, and I retreated back into my room, "Fuck out of here!" I heard Katy yell followed by the front door opening as I sat on my bed and pulled my legs up to my chest, "Listen to me you giraffe lookin ass. I don't know what happened back there, but you can't be around her right now. Why? Because you fuckin scared her off, cunt. Just go."

The door shut after more muffled yelling and Katy came into my room. I felt as if she wasn't even in the room with me. I don't know if it was the alcohol still running through me or if it was the panic, but everything seemed to be in slow motion.

"Thank you," I said softly, acknowledging Katy, "I um. I should go to bed."

I could feel myself shutting down. I could feel the memories flooding back into my head. Fuck. Fuck Fuck Fuck.

"Fuck fuck fuck," I pulled at the ends of my hair. Harry had just shut the basement door, locking it behind him. This has to be some type of sick joke, he's going to open the door and yell, "Pranked ya!" In a couple seconds, right?

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