Catastrophe. (24)

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Blake was out of the car and running towards the jeep before the driver had even stopped the car. I threw whatever cash I had on me at the driver and ran after her.


When we got to the jeep I was completely terrified. The entire top was caved in and smoke was clouding above the vehicle rapidly, it looked like it had recently flipped over. The lone accident was starting to attract the attention of a handful of pedestrians. Some of which were on their phones, likely reporting the accident.

Muffled talking took my attention from the accident and to my phone, I had forgotten that I had dialed Cam before running out of the vehicle. I lifted the phone to my ear to hear Cam yelling for me in an exasperated tone, "Void what the fuck is going on? Can you hear me?"

"Ca- Fitz, I um," I found myself struggling to talk. My breathing got heavier as the adrenaline began to wear off. My body was beginning to recognize how shit this situation actually was.

"Void love, we're tracking your location," Ryans voice boomed through the phone. They didn't know what was going on, but I could safely assume they know it's all bad.

"Accident, there's been an accident. Just get here quick," I breathed into the phone and hung up, rushing over to Blake. She seemed to be squatting down to see if Eric was still in his jeep. If he was, he wouldn't be in good condition.

"Oh dear fucking god I can't see shit through this smoke!" Blake screamed as she began to wave at the air around her in frustration. Her hysteria and panic made my chest feel like it was literally collapsing.

As soon as I was about to help Blake and go to the other side of the vehicle, my nose caught the familiar smell of gasoline. I stood up straight and began to scan the jeep. Towards the front of the rolled jeep is where a puddle had been forming, I could only assume that's where the gas was leaking from. And considering the smoke it was likely on fire, or about to be. Gas is flammable.

The jeep could explode.

Just as I was about to tell Blake about the gas I noticed a small flame break out on top of the jeep. A series of honking made my head turn the other way to see the lads pull up, and a group of firemen running towards us. The adrenaline came back, muffling everything around me. Things seemed to be running in slow motion.

The firemen began yelling at us. It too me a few seconds and fortunately I was able to quickly put two and two together. I grabbed Blake and pulled her back, towards the grass. She screamed and fought against me but I couldn't let her go. I couldn't let her get hurt, too.

"God damnit cunt, get off of me!" Blake thrashed and kicked in the air as I used every ounce of my strength to keep pulling her back and away from the growing flames. My grip on her arms kept slipping, as she's a lot stronger than I am. It was only a matter of time before whatever happens, happens.

As soon as my feet hit the grass and we were off of the road, a mushroom cloud of fire replaced the jeep. A wall of pure heat hit Blake and I, making the two of us collapse onto the grass. Even though the vehicle had three meters of flames coming off of it, she still made the effort to run towards it, to run towards the flame.

When I still wouldn't let her go, she gave my arms one last scratch and pull before letting out one of the most emotional shattering screams I have ever heard. It was so broken, so crushing. Two, three, four more screams came out of her small body before her body went limp as she began to sob heavily into my chest.

"Rory," she managed to choke out in between sobs, "I saw him."

I closed my eyes, feeling everything inside of me shut down. It wasn't just the overwhelming amount of empathy for Blake or the lads, it was the impending confirmation that a new friend, a brother had passed away.

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