Common Ground. (19)

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I watched as Toby pulled a plastic bag out of his pocket and tossed it to Ryan, who took the rag out of the bag and placed it over my mouth and nose. I wasn't stupid, I knew exactly what it was.

"Fuck you," I mumbled to Ryan as the world around me grew black.


"What do you think will happen when she wakes up? Do you think she'll cry, or get angry like Amanda did?" One of the girls, Alexa, said to another girl. They were both leaning over me with curious expressions written on their purple faces.

"She'll call the both of you fucking cunts and tell you to get out of her face," I croaked out, feeling the pain of whatever had just happened pulse over my weak body. The two girls still sat right above me, "Now get the fuck out of my face."

Both of them hesitantly walked away from me. I couldn't blame them for wanting to know, though. They just wanted to know what to expect when it was their turn. But the truth is, I didn't even know. The only think I knew was my body was burning and my throat ached for some water.

Like an angel sent from heaven, Annabelle appeared at my side with a cup of murky water. I silently accepted the gift and chugged the grotesque drink. Even though my taste buds disagreed, my body thanked.

Annabelle helped me sit up and walk over to the couch, where I slumped down in pain and let a few tears slip, "I don't know what he did to me, Belle."

She grimaced and wiped a stray tear, "Chloroform will do that to you."

"I thought that only existed in the movies," I scoffed, closing my eyes. "Everything hurts."

"I'm so sorry," Annabelle put a comforting hand on my shoulder as her eyes softened.

"Don't be. You didn't hurt me, they did."

"They?" Annabelle looked confused.

"All of them. Ryan, Matt, Toby. It's all one big fuck fest, Annabelle. And not the enjoyable kind."

"Who are you talking about?" She asked me with her head cocked to the side.

"The lads. I don't want to be involved with them anymore."

Annabelle ran her fingers through my hair with a pitying smile, "It's time to wake up, Rory."

"Rory, get the fuck up. I get that you're small and all, but I didn't hold the rag to your nose that long," Ryans voice echoed through my head. I couldn't tell where it was coming from, though. It felt like something was holding my eyes shut. My vision was cloudy and non-cooperative, causing my head to spin and make me feel dizzy.

When the strength to open my eyes finally presented itself I was staring down at my lap. My legs bound to the chair beneath me and my hands tied behind. Exhaustion and confusion ran through my head as I struggled against the ties, "Get me out of here, Captain. I didn't do anything wrong."

"That's where you're wrong," Ryan chuckled. I heard him walk in circles around me, slowly. I was afraid to look up, it felt like I had vertigo and at any moment the world around me would spin in circles if I looked up, "Did you see what happened to Matt, because of you?"

Fuck Matt.

"No, and I don't care. I hope those kids beat the living shit out of him," Ryan slapped me. Pain spread across my face as he grabbed my chin, forcing me to look up at him, "If you're going to kill me, fucking do it. Don't be a pussy."

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