a/n- please read

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so now that you guys have an idea of how this story is going, I want to talk about some things regarding drugs and drug use. I feel like I have a responsibility as a writer to bring up these kinds of things, especially since a number of my readers are under the legal age to be doing (or reading!) things that I mention in this story.

I'd like to think that my readers know better than to get into drugs, which I'm sure the vast majority of you do, but just in case there's that person or two that may feel compelled, please read what I have to say.

•Just because I glamorize drug use and make it seem fun in this story,doesn't mean you should try the mentioned substances for yourself. Drugs are bad. They are no good for you.
•As stated in the very first author's note, everything I write in this story is a work of FICTION. fiction meaning fake, it is made up.
•I DO NOT condone the use of any illegal drugs or substances. I am simply writing about it to create something entertaining to read.

As for the legal (in certain states/countries) drug, marijuana, please only use it legally and when you are of age.

•Use it safely. Do not drive or operate anything while under the influence of pot.
•If you are unsure if it is legal where you are, a quick Google search will help.

PLEASE only drink alcohol when you are of age.

Drink it safely. And for the love of god DO NOT drive drunk.
•Do not get into a car where you know or suspect the driver has been drinking.  Take their keys if you have to.
•driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can lead to accidents and innocent people dying.




Thanks for reading.


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