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"Matty?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Shh," I held my fingers to my mouth as a toothy grin spread over my face, "I'm high."

Whoever said a hangover from a high isn't real, is a liar. And their pants are on fire.

It's nothing like a hangover you'd get from a night of heavy drinking, though. Thank god. It's more like not wanting to get up in the morning and feeling very tired. There's this odd, heavy feeling that sinks into your eyes that doesn't go away until you've had your morning pick-me-up. In my case, that morning pick-me-up was provided by Cam.

I had fallen asleep on his couch last night, but woke up in his bed. His silk sheets and memory foam mattress complimented my high in all the best ways. I was blessed with a very good sleep, but Cam wasn't around when I woke up.

The smell of coffee pulled me out of the comfortable bed and lured me out into the living room, where I noticed disheveled sheets and a pillow on the couch I had fallen asleep on. My eyebrows came together in frustration when I realized Cam had slept on the couch, and I marched straight into the kitchen with my hands on my hips.

Cam looked at me as I came into his view and let out a snort, "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

"And someone didn't sleep in their bed," I poked a finger into his chest and stuck my lower lip out, "Why did you sleep on the couch, Cam? I don't bite."

"Yes, but Ryan does. And for your information I did sleep in my bed. You were just too gone to notice. Your snores are cute, by the way," Cam turned his attention back to his coffee machines, "I laid that out on the couch just in case one of the lads popped by. It'd look a bit sus if they caught us in the same bed."

"Oh," I stopped and looked at my fingers, "Sorry. I just thought-"

"It's okay, really," Cam nudged me with his elbow, "So are you really gonna go out with Matt?"

"For breakfast, yes. Besides, he just wants to pick my brain about The Abstract A. Why, are you jealous?" I teased and nudged him back.

"No, no. As much as I'd love to be the one taking you out for breakfast, I have a few things on my own agenda."

"Ooh, top secret mission? Moving fent across the city?"

"Not quite," Cam smirked and held out a coffee for me, "My parents are coming into town for the day. I'm meeting them for lunch before they head off to Sydney for some convention thing."

"Oh. That should be fun, yeah?" I asked, accepting the drink he had offered.

"Yeah, kind of. I see them a lot more often than I'd like, it's hard to plan around them. Even back in New Zealand they'd constantly show up at my apartment. I know they mean well, but I'm not their little boy, you know? I love them a lot and we're super close, but I need some space."

"Yeah, I understand," I lied, "It's nice of you to accompany them as often as you do, though."

"I guess so," he shrugged and leaned against the counter, taking a long drink from his own coffee, "Don't tell anyone I'm out with them, yeah? If they ask I was at a doctors appointment."

"You got it."

We finished our coffee in silence. I lied about understanding because I didn't want Cam to know about my mommy and daddy issues on top of my others. I carry a lot of baggage, and didn't want to scare Cam off with that. That brief conversation with him put a lot of thoughts in my mind regarding my parents.

Person Of Interest. [GoodGuyFitz]Where stories live. Discover now