Fukases suprise

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Fukase: Guys guess what!

Piko: Am I getting a V4 update??

V Flower: Shut up Piko, we all know that you'll forever remain on V2.

Piko: *cries in the corner*

Len: What do you want Fukase?

Fukase: I found some new memes!

Len: That's it?

Fukase: Yeeeeepp. *puts on sunglasses and starts blasting the mii sports theme out of some random speakers*

V Flower: *pulls a chainsaw out from under the couch* If you don't turn that off i'm going to slice you in half.

Fukase: ;-;

Oliver: *walks in* oh hi guys! uwu

Piko: Oh look! It's the only sane person! Please save me!

Oliver: How about no! :D

Piko: no one loves meeeeeeee

Len: Piko, no one loves you, because you're a shota.

V Flower: You're one to talk

Fukase: oooooooooohhhhh!!!!

V Flower: *slaps Fukase* Shut up

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