The Park

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Len: Ugghhh i'm bored

Piko: no one cares

Len: ;-;

Oliver: Len, if your bored, then maybe we should all go do something!

Len: like what?


Flower: Fukase why are you so loud????? >:(


Len: so, what did you have in mind on where we could go?

Fukase: well, I had a few places... Shota Shota Isl-


Fukase: *bites Pikos hand*

Piko: OW what was that for???

Fukase: YOU WOULDN'T LET ME FINISH. Anyway, we could also go to the park or-

Oliver: yeah!!! Let's go to the park!!!

Fukase: you people are the worst when it comes to interrupting me.

Len: Okay lets just go before I die of boredom

Flower: who said we would care if you died

Len: *cries*

*everyone magically appears in the park*

Oliver: It's so nice out!! uwu

Fukase: *is about to blast some meme music*

Piko: *throws the radio or whatever it is in a lake*

Fukase: *cries*

Len: Does anyone wanna go to the playground with me?? :D

Oliver: Me! Me! Take me with you!!

Len: okay

Piko: In coming with you, because I don't trust you two by yourselves

Oliver: oof

Piko, Len & Oliver: *go to the little kid playground*

Flower: I officially hate all of them, for leaving me with this....weird human. *Looks at Fukase*

Fukase: what did I ever do to you?!?

Flower: Everything bad

Fukase: ;-;

Flower: ughh... come on, let's go fishing or something so we don't get bored... or something

Fukase: Okay! Maybe I can try and fish out my meme radio...

Flower: I swear if you do that, i'm going to push you into the lake and leave you there

Fukase: um, never mind then! hehe... *whispers* you scare me

Flower:  What was that? *is prepared to slap him*

Fukase: N-Nothing!

*Over to Len, Piko & Oliver*

Piko: *supervising them*

Len: *trying to act cool by sitting on top of the  monkey bars*

Oliver: Len, pull me up there! I wanna be cool too!!

Piko: Oliver, Len isn't being cool, he's being stupid. But he's always stupid sooooo

Oliver: yeah, that's true. But how did he even get up there?!

Len: magic

Oliver: :0

Piko: *climbs up and smacks Len* You're setting a bad example for the smol child!

Len: *flips him off*

Piko: that's it! imma beat your ass *pushes him off and then jumps on top of him*


Piko: shut up banana boy! *punches him*

Oliver: *records all of this* hehe

Piko & Len: *fighting*

Oliver: *finds a spider on the ground and eats it*

Piko: *gets up* Oliver, spit that spider out right now!

Oliver: no

Piko: you're grounded

Oliver: *starts to cry*

Piko: no! no! I didn't mean it! Fine, you're not grounded! i'm sorry

Oliver: *smiles* yay

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