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Flower: no *proceeds to walk out of the door*

Piko: *pulls her back* you're suffering with us

Flower: I hate you


Len: *is preparing for hell*

Oliver: 0_0

Me: It's time for torture whahahhahaha!

everyone: no one loves you go away

me: no

me: FIRST SHIP! Olikase

Len: it's not horrible, but not great either

Piko: I can't see it happening

Fukase: NO! I'm sorry Oliver but just no!

Flower: eeeeehhh, no

Oliver: Fukase is just a friend! nothing more!

Me: okay well... NEXT SHIP! Floko *walks away*

Fukase: I ship it uwu

Len: hmmm... I can see why people would ship it, but no

Oliver: I think it's cute!

Piko: There is no way in hell im going out with that psychotic person

Me: next up, FukaFlower! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Oliver: I think this is cute, too! owo

Piko: *looks at Fukase* I'd rather you date her than me

Fukase : she beats me up all of the time! I can't date her!

Flower: *slaps Fukase & Piko* I would be a great girlfriend! Maybe. Actually now that I think about it I wouldn't be

Piko & Fukase: exactly our point

Len: i'm not saying anything, because I don't wanna be beaten up

Me: Lencest. *proceeds to die*

Len: *is terrified*

Flower: nononononononno

Oliver: *runs away*

Fukase: I only like it, because it makes Len suffer

Len: you satanic unholy being

Piko: no

I know there are more ships out there, I just didn't feel like putting them in this, because i'm lazy. ( ̄∇ ̄) So, if you want them to react to any other ship, just comment some ships.... or something. Okay goodbye.

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