I don't even know at this point

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Fukase: I'm hungryyyyyyyyy

Flower: no one carreeeessss

Len: go eat something if your hungry

Fukase: i'm too lazy to move

Len: make Piko order something then, he has money

Piko: why do you only want to use my money????

Len: 'cuz we're all broke

Piko: give me one good reason to get you guys food

Fukase: because, i'm hungry

Oliver: I'm hungry too! pweaaaasee Piko? *using the power of his cuteness*

Piko: *tying to resist* hmmmmm.... finneeee, but only because of your cuteness Oli

Oliver: thank youuuuu Piko uwu

Piko: don't mention it. Anyways what do you guys want?

Oliver: pizza!!

Piko: ok

*Piko orders the pizza and now it's their door*

pizza: *floats in by itself*

Len: uhhhhhh

Oliver: you got magical pizza?!?!? cool!!!

pizza: *pulls out a gun and starts shooting in random directions*


Len: what do we do?!??!!

Piko: we gotta get rid of it!

Flower: *is also holding a gun* alright bitches, get outta the way

everyone else: *backs up*

pizza & Flower: *staring each other down*

pizza: *starts shooting at Flower* REEEEEEE

Flower: *dodges the bullets like a pro*

Oliver: *walks behind the pizza and eats it all*

Fukase: hey! I was gonna do that! >:0

Oliver: too bad! I got it before you >:D

Fukase: you're evil

Oliver: w-wha? *starts to tear up*

Flower: *is about to beat the hell out of Fukase* Take back what you said about the smol child! >:(

Fukase: fine! sorry Oli...

Oliver: it's okay! *thinking* whahaha with my cuteness I can do anything (゚ω゚)

Sorry for not updating this a lot, I've just been busy with school and other things. So yeah. Sorry

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