f i r e

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everyone: *just doing whatever*

*all of the sudden the fire alarm goes off*

Len: Oh shit, run. *darts out the door without a second thought*

Piko: someone call the fire department!

Oliver: okay! but I don't have a phone, so you do it, Piko!

Piko: fine *calls 911*

Flower: Fukase, did you cause this?

Fukase: why are you assuming that I did it?!?? I mean, all I was doing was toasting a marshmallow on the stove and then I forgot to turn it off!

Flower: *is about to kill Fukase*


Oliver Piko Flower & Fukase: *goes outside to find Len having a panic attack*

Flower: great, the banana is broken

Len: *dying inside because he has severe pyrophobia (fear of fire)*

Fukase: *is attempting to leave*

Flower: *grabs his arm and glares at him* if you try to leave again imma throw you into the house and leave you to burn

Fukase: *is scared for his life* o-ok.....

Oliver: so when are the firefighters gonna get here?

Piko: I have no idea

*3 minutes later*

random firefighters: *put the fire out*

Flower: welp, the house is completely destroyed, so where are we gonna live now?

Len: good question, I don't know

Fukase: lets just break into some random persons house and make them leave!

Piko: that is the worst idea i've ever heard

Fukase: shut up Piko no one asked you

Flower: you know what? let's just do that, 'cuz we really don't have any other options

everyone: *breaks into some random house and kicks the people living there out*

Piko: we are horrible people

Oliver: I feel bad for those people

Fukase: welp, that doesn't matter at least we have somewhere to live! hehe

Len: true

Flower: ugh, you guys are all stupid

Oliver: *cries*

Flower: except you Ollie uwu

Oliver: yay! *hugs Flower*

Fukase: what about me????

Flower: you might be my least favorite

Fukase *cries in the corner of shame*

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