Movie night with Oliver

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Oliver: guys I rented a movie with Pikos money!! (^-^)

Piko: why mine?!?!

Oliver: because you're too mature

Piko: Oliver, if you weren't so adorable I would be realllyyyy mad right now

Len: well, what movie is it?

Fukase: iS iT sHrEk????

Flower: I'll watch it if it's anything BUT Shrek

Fukase: you're a hater ( 'Д')

Flower: *hits Fukase* I don't care

Fukase: Why do you only hit me???

Flower: 'cuz you're annoying

Oliver: Okay you guys listen up! I got Care Bears!

Piko: you seriously wasted my money on Care Bears?

Oliver: Yup! And you all are gonna watch it with me!

Len: why would you want us to suffer??

Fukase: *hits Len in the back of the head* The sailor child can make us watch whatever he wants too!

Flower: *leaves*

Piko: Flower! wait for me!

Oliver: *grabs Pikos hand and looks at him with puppy eyes* but... you bought the movie, so pleaseeee watch it with me? ('・ω・`)

Piko: uggghhhh, fine

Fukase & Len: *manage to escape without Piko & Oliver noticing* hehehe

Oliver & Piko: *watch the 2 hour Care Bears movie while Flower Fukase & Len are out doing who knows what*

Oliver: *falls asleep on Pikos lap*

Piko: *unable to move* great...

Flower: *walks threw the door by herself* mmmmmhhhhhh

Piko: hi Flower! where are Len and Fukase?

Flower: well... I left them behind, because they got really drunk and then they to rape me.... so yeah

Piko: welp they're grounded

Flower: ok mom *goes to her room*

Len & Fukase: *stumble back to the house*

Len: I wanna be a *hiccup* cow

Fukase: no silly, you're supposed to be a camera!

Len: oh yeah! oops *hiccup* hehe

Piko: you two tried to rape Flower?!?!?

Fukase: you mean Fluffy? yeah we did. that was *hiccup* fun! she beat the shit out of us haha

Len: *gasp* is that a stuffed cat??? *points at Oliver*

Fukase: I wanna pet it!

Flower: *comes out with a bat* if you touch the sailor child, you're dead

Len: oh, hi *hiccup* Fluffy!

Piko: *still cant move 'cuz of Oliver* Flower they're drunk as hell

Flower: well duh

Fukase: Fluffyyyy come hereee I wanna kiss youuu *hiccup*

Len: no, me firstttttt

Flower: *knocks them both out with the bat*

Piko: well that was interesting

Flower: they are so dead when they wake up

*the next day*

Len: owwww my head feels like someone dropped a brick on it...

Fukase: *still sleeping*

Flower: you and Fukase tried to rape me last night!

Len: we did? eh, doesn't seem too far fetched

Fukase: *wakes up* we did what now?

Len: we tried to rape Flower

Fukase: whoops

Flower: I hate you guys

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