A Day Without Flower

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*knocking on the door*

Len: who the fuck is thereeeeee we don't want you hereeeeeeeeeeee

Oliver: *walks in* guys *snaps his spine in half* I have scoliosis

Piko: rad dude

Fukase: Piko

Piko: yeah?

Fukase: never talk like that again or i will actually burn you to death

Piko: fuck you- i mean, yes sir

Flower: hey imma go out and murder children with Yukari i'll be back by like, 8

Oliver: *gasps* can I come???????

Flower: no

Oliver: bitch

Flower:........ok bye *leaves*

Len: does this mean... we can do whatever we want?

Fukase: yes

Oliver: we should bake cookies

Piko: I dont trust any of you in the kitchen so no thanks

Len: I have an even better idea

Len: we should take my stupid dead sister and Mikus skeletons and deliver them to Lukas house (oh yeah Kaito and Meiko live there too. Why? Because I said so)

Fukase: that is probably the smartest thing i've ever heard you say

Oliver: how are we gonna carry them though?

Len: simple. we put them in boxes and act like its a gift

Piko: isn't this kinda cruel?

Fukase: yes, thats why we're doing it stupid

Piko: uh- ok fine

Len: ok everyone get in the god damn car we're going on a rode trip

Oliver: I wanna drive

Len: ugghhhhh... fine

*they all go vroom vroom over to Lukas, they only crashed 6 times*

Piko: how are we even alive

Fukase: who cares lets just get the presents and invite ourselves in

Len: *aggressively knocks on the front door* Luka Luka Luka Luka lLUKAaAAA you have surprise visitors now let us in

Luka: *opens the door* well hello- oh, its you

Len: yup its us your absolute favorite people

Luka: eeehhhhhhhhh fine

Fukase: *walking in* since its been awhile since we last saw each other, we got you guys some gifts!

Kaito: *weird gasps* if its ice cream i will pronounce you as our lord and savior

Oliver: its even better than ice cream

Kaito: *fucking dies of excitement*

Meiko: *realllyyyy drunk as usual* whos this pwretgyyyy gurrll you got there Leenmnnmmmmmmnnn *holding onto Piko*

Piko: I want to die

Len: oh, shes was just a cute girl I found on the side of the rode, you know?

Piko: i'm actually going to murder you

Luka: now now Meiko, don't bully our guests

Meiko: I wassszzzz just calllinnnn her pretttyyyyyyy *looks over at Oliver* i DIDN'T knnoOOWwWs yOU bbbrRRRoUUUgGHT ffffzooOOoD

Oliver: oh hell no

Fukase: anyway, we'd love to stay and chit chat, but we're currently busy with other things.... like not being here

Oliver: oh well, we gotta skiddadle, don't forget to open our gifts! We put a lot of care and effort into them

Luka: but of course. Now bye bye *practically shoving them out of the door*

Piko: this was an awful idea

*as they leave they hear the screams and cries of Luka and a revived Kaito over their dead friends. oh well. Or maybe it was because of the note Fukase left, which read "lmao get pranked haha they dead"

Len: well i think that went well

Piko: *still pissed at him for calling him a girl*

Oliver: I wonder what Flower will think

Len: why would we even tell her?

Oliver: good point

*they arrive home to find Flower already there*

Piko: what are you doing here? I thought you said you'd be home around 8, it's only 5

Flower: I had to leave early because Yukari fell down a sewer

Fukase: fun

Flower: where were you guys?

Oliver: golfing. we were golfing

Len: yep, Piko was awful


Fukase: good times

I don't even really have an excuse for not uploading, I kinda just forgot wattpad existed hhhhh AND IM STILL WORKING ON THE DANGANRONPA THINGY IM JUST SLOW I PROMISE

have a good day broskis

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