BSM: He teases you for liking one of the boys.

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A/N: The name at the beginning is the name of your brother :)


Ashton: Being the younger sister of Ashton meant that you saw a lot more of 5sos than planned. They were always around your house, so much, you'd started to have a crush on Michael.

Whenever the boys were round, you would sit with them, only to be with Michael and obviously Ashton had clocked on and teased you every chance he could get.

"Guess who's coming over today y/n," Ashton smirked as he put out the last bowl of chips.

"Who?" You asked from the sofa in your sweat pants and one of Ashton's shirts.

"Michael and the others," he smirked.

"WHAT?! Oh my god when?!" You shout as you quickly stand up.

"Um now," Ashton said just as the doorbell rang. You let out a frustrated groan when you heard the voice of your crush.

"Oh hey y/n! How are you doing?" Michael asked as you stood frozen in the hallway.

"I-I'm okay thanks. Um I'm just gonna go upstairs," you say before running up the stairs in a hurry.

Luke, Calum and Ashton just laughed because Michael had no idea you liked him.

"You do know she has like the biggest crush on you right?" Ashton said as he led them into the living room.

"Oh.. She does? Is that why she always runs away from me?" Michael chuckles as he takes a seat.

"Yup. You should hear what she's like when you're not here. 'Oh Michael looked so good today!' 'His voice is so amazing!' 'He plays the guitar like a sex God!" Ashton mocked which made all three boys laugh.

"ASHTON!" You scream as you walk back into the living room after hearing what your brother had just said.

"Sorry sis, I was just being honest," Ashton chuckled.

"Don't worry about it y/n.. I think it's cute, and to be honest I kinda like you too," Michael smiled as he looked at you.

You blush a deep shade of red before twirling your hair.

"Whoa whoa whoa, my little sister is off limits bro," Ashton said as he shot Michael a serious glare.

"Yeah yeah, I know," he said as he raised his hand in defence.

"Anyways, you can go back up to your room y/n if you want. We're gonna be making a lot of noise," Ashton said as he plugged in the Xbox.

You rolled your eyes before turning to leave. Just as you were leaving, you made eye contact with Michael who gave you a cheeky wink.

And wow the amount of butterflies that appeared in your stomach was amazing.

Calum: Being Calum's little sister, it means that you could sit in on their recording sessions and got to hear songs before anyone else.

Whilst they were working on their vocals to Daylight, you couldn't help but keep your eyes on Ashton who was creating the drum demo.

Ashton had been your crush for months and months now and according to Calum you made it very obvious so now the whole band knows apart from Ashton himself.

Once Luke, Calum and Michael finished they came back into the room you were sitting in but you didn't notice because your attention was focused on Ashton.

"Take a picture y/n! I lasts longer!" Calum said as he started snapping his fingers in front of your face.

"W-what? What are you talking about?" You say as you look at your older brother.

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