Dating Vampire Michael

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Michael Clifford was the new student a few months ago and being the caring person you were, you showed him around on the first day.

The two of you instantly bonded and became good friends. He eventually grabbed the balls to ask you out and had been dating for the past 4 months.

You were currently working on a history project about how diseases and cures developed in the 20th Century.

You were reading your assigned text book when you came across something that grabbed your attention.

'Lord Michael Gordon Clifford was the first and youngest man to think of a cure for the deadly disease the plague. Only at the age of 16. He and his team of scientists, around the same age, have not yet thought of a cure but are slowly working on it' and then there was a picture of 4 men, one of which was definitely your boyfriend.

What on earth did that mean? That book was written like over 100 years ago?

You continued reading and what you read next scared you more. It said that Michael had died at the age of 18 due to an incurable disease.

But he was just in your home a few hours ago. And he was perfectly alive.

Was Michael a ghost? An immortal being? There were so many things whirling around you head right now.

You decided to take a break from your project and do some other research. You typed in immortal creatures in Google and were horrified at some of the options.

You clicked on a few of them but none of them suited Michael's description until you clicked on vampire.

It showed a snow white man with massive fangs and holding a dead female.

You started reading and gasped at how a lot of this described Michael.

Pale skin

Superhuman strength

Lacks the ability of some emotions

Hides away from sunlight

Eye colour often changes colour.

Hardly eats

The list went on and on. How on earth was this possible? Michael was an 18 year old vampire. Well older, according to the text book.

You needed to ask him. Maybe there's another explanation because this was just crazy.

As if on cue, the front door to your house opened.

"I have returned from my trip Nikki. Where are you?"

"I-in the living room," you say nervously.

"Good evening my sweetheart. How has your project been?" He asked as he kissed your cheek and thinking about it, he was ice cold. As if he were dead.

"What are you?" You blurted out

"Pardon me? I do not understand," he frowned.

You stood up and backed away from him.

"What are you Michael? You're not a human so what are you?"

"Nikki.. If you could explain. I am rather confused."

"This! I found this!" You shout as you show him what you read in the book.

He read it and his eyes widened.

"So you're not going to deny it? Oh my god! I've been dating a vampire," you say loudly before running into the kitchen for some garlic

"Stay away from me. Don't you dare try to eat me," you bed.

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