Preference: You're popular and he's a nerd

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Luke: You were the most popular girl in high school. Currently you were in maths class with your cheerleading friends, discussing a new routine. The teacher was going on about some random algebra stuff which you didn't understand.

The teacher gave out a worksheet to complete and straight away you didn't get it. "What the heck? I don't get this," you say a lot louder than expected.

Your friends giggled and continued talking about your cheer routine whilst you tried your hardest to get focused.

"Um hey, do you need any help with that?" You heard a voice say. You look up and see a pair of bright blue eyes staring at you.

Just as you were about to say yes, your friends looked at Luke and started laughing.

"What do you want nerd?" Jessica asked, who was the bitch of your group.

"I-I was um asking y/n if she wanted help. She looked stuck," he mumbled

"She isn't the one that needs help," she laughed like the rest of the girls. You could see the smile on his face disappear as he felt embarrassed.

"Look, just turn around and leave her alone okay? She doesn't need a loser like you bringing her reputation down," Jessica said and the rest of the girls laughed again.

Luke just nodded sadly before looking you in the eyes before turning around again.

You couldn't help but feel guilty for not defending him. He was quite cute.

Through out of the lesson you couldn't help but think that you actually wanted help from the nerdy yet gorgeous boy.

Michael: Being the most popular girl in school, you caught a lot of attention from guys. It was nice sometimes but most of the time it was annoying.

You were sitting at lunch with your friends whilst discussing the latest trends in fashion when you feel someone tap your shoulder.

"Yeah?" You reply sweetly. Once you turn around, you're met with a lovely pair of green eyes and bright lilac hair.

"Oh hey Michael," you smiled at him.

"H-hey y/n.. Um I was wondering if you would like to see a movie this weekend. Unless you don't want too because you're busy or something," he rambled

You giggled at how cute his rambling was. Just as you were about to agree to his offer, Ella, the Queen Bee of your group butted in.

"You're kidding right? Why on Earth would she go out with you?" She said and all your friends burst out laughing.

"I-I just thought-" he started but Ella cut him off

"Well you thought wrong. Y/N doesn't want to go out with you," she said and the group laughed again.

Michael just looked down at his black boots whilst fiddling with his sweater.

"Now if you don't mind, you can leave," Ella said as she waved her hand as if he was an insect. He quickly nodded and walked away back to his only 3 friends.

As he walked away sadly, you couldn't help but think you really did want to go to the movies with him.

Calum: Being the head cheerleader it was almost like some sort of law to date the quarter back which is what you were doing.

You'd been dating Brandon for a almost a year now and to be honest you hated it. He never treated you like a proper boyfriend should.

You were currently at your locker, getting out the book you needed for next period when you noticed a piece of paper that didn't belong to you.

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