ice skating date imagine: Ashton

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It was in the early stages of your relationship so the meant a lot of dating.

On the first date, he took you to a restaurant, on the second date he took you to the beach and for the third date he was planning on taking you ice skating.

He came over at 7pm like promised and spoke to your parents for a little while and they totally loved him.

When you could finally drag him away from your parents, you shortly arrived at the ice skating rink.

"Can you even skate Ash?" You ask as you both tie up the laces to your ice skates.

"Um nope? I'm gonna need your help then," he said with a little wink.

"Uhuh, sure," you laughed as you stood up and helped Ash on to the ice.

"It's pretty simple, just follow me okay?" You say as you hold his hand and slowly start guiding him on the ice.

"Don't you dare drop me y/n!" Ashton giggled as he held on to your hand tight.

"Oh stop being a baby! Can I let go now to see if you've learnt how to skate?" You ask as you start slowing down.

Ashton looked uneasy at first but let go of your hand before skating around the ring perfectly.

"Oh my god you little liar!" You shout before following him.

"Catch me if you can y/n!" He teased as he skated faster and faster away from you.

You chased Ashton around the ring at least two full times. Just as you were getting closer to catching him, 2 teenage boys crash into you, making you fall to the floor.

The boys didn't apologise and continued skating on.

"Y/n! Are you okay?!" Ashton said as he quickly skated over to you and lifted you up.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine. My hands hurt a little but I'm okay," you smile.

Ashton nodded before spotting the guys that had knocked you over.

"Hey! You knocked over my girlfriend over there. Aren't you going to apologise?" He asked

The two guys looked over to you and apologised, obviously feeling intimidated by Ashton.

You and Ashton had never discussed being called 'boyfriend' or 'girlfriend' but it seems he knew what he wanted.

"You didn't have to do that Ash," you smile as you play with the ends of your hair.

"I know, but I wanted to," he said before taking your hand and slowly going around the rink again.

It was quiet for a little bit but it wasn't uncomfortable.

"So how are you enjoying our 3rd date then?" Ash asked.

"It's been great! But I'm sorry, nothing will top our cinema date. You got us kicked out of the movie!" You laugh at the memory.

"Sorry! But the movie was scary so of course I'm going to scream," he giggled.

"Yeah yeah," you tease. It fell silent again for a short while.

"Um y/n.. Can I ask you something?" Ashton asked as he stopped the both of you and pulled you to the side.

"Uh sure. What is it?" You asked, sensing it was something serious.

"I was like wondering if you would um like to be like my girlfriend..?" He asked, as he played with his glasses.

You were a little surprised by the question but knew the answer anyways.

"Yes! I'd love to! I've been waiting for you to ask since the first date!" You confessed before throwing your arms around his neck.

"I wanted to ask you but I've never had the balls to do it," he said before laughing nervously.

"Well I'm glad you finally got the balls to do it now," you smile before pulling back and looking into his hazel green eyes.

"Since you're my girlfriend.. I guess I can do this," he said as he leaned in closer to you until his lips met yours.

As soon as his pink lips connected to yours, you could feel the butterflies in every inch of your body.

As the kiss intensified, Ashton pushed you against the glass and continued kissing you until air was needed.

"Wow um, that was nice," you blush

"It was, wasn't it," he laughed as he continued playing with his glasses.

"I'm so glad I can call you my boyfriend now," you smiled before taking his hand.

"I've been wanting to call you my girlfriend ever since I first met you," he confessed.

"Oh really?" You smirked

"Yup, I mean you're gorgeous," he said as he leaned down to kiss your cheek.

You and Ashton skated around the rink a few more times hand in hand before the voice over said it was time to get off the ice.

"I better get you home. I still want your parents to like me," he chuckled as he drove to your house.

"Don't worry.. They love you. How can't they? You're pretty perfect," you say

"If anyone's perfect here it's you," you said. Just then, he pulled up at your house.

He came around and opened your side before walking up to your door.

"Tonight has been really fun.. Thank you," you smile.

"It's been my pleasure. Hopefully we'll be having many more together," he said before kissing you softly.

"Goodnight boyfriend."

"Goodnight girlfriend"

The mention of that word 'girlfriend' gave you butterflies but you'd get used to it because after all, you'd be hearing it a lot.


A/n- ehhhh i'm really not good at writing date imagines but here you go :)

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