Preference: Your baby's first words

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Ashton: It had been 9 months since you'd given birth to your baby girl Harmony. Ever since around her 6th month, Ashton had made it his mission to try and get her to speak.

You and Ashton had placed a bet on whether she would say 'mommy' or 'daddy' first.

Currently, you and Ashton had Harmony on her back, trying to get her to speak.

"Come on baby, say daddy," Ashton said as he started tickling her tummy making her squeal happily.

"Nooo, Harmony, say mommy. I was the one who carried you around for 9 months," you say as you play with her beautiful brown curls.

"Don't blackmail her! She's obviously going to say daddy," Ashton said as he picked Harmony up and put her on his lap.

"We'll see," you say as you keeping coaxing your baby to say mommy.

As Ashton was bouncing her on his lap, she started opening her mouth, stuttering out letters.

"Daddy.. Say daddy," Ashton said as he watched her.

"L-Lukey!" She squealed and started clapping.

You and Ashton looked at each other in shock. Your daughter's first words were Luke's.

"Well.. Looks like we were both wrong," you say.

"She's been spending too much time with uncle Lukey. Her next word is gonna be penguin," Ashton laughed.

You burst out laughing because you totally imagine it.

Calum: You, Calum and your 10 month old baby girl Saffron were out for s family day out at the park.

You decided to take a break since you were pregnant again and it was a tiring task.

"You okay there y/n?" Calum asked you as you sighed, finally resting your feet.

"Yeah I'm fine. Baby is just kicking," you say as your rub your tummy.

"Baby hood! Stop kicking your mommy, that's not very nice," he said eye level with your stomach.

"You're an idiot," you laugh as you push Calum away gently.

Calum stood up and picked Saffron out of her buggy and on to his lap.

"Daddy isn't an idiot is he?"

"Yes daddy is," you laugh as you play with Saffron's dark hair, similar to Calum's.

"Dada!!" She cheered as she started smacking Calum's cheeks.

You and Calum both gasped because that was her first word.

"Say it again Saf!" Calum pleaded

"Dada, dada, dada," she repeated. Calum couldn't stop smiling and you were close to tears.

"I can't believe she's finally spoke," you sobbed.

"It's okay y/n, no need to cry," he reassured.

"It's not okay! Our baby girl is growing up," you sobbed again.

"We have another baby on the way y/n.. It's okay," he said softly, knowing it was your hormones that was making you this emotional.

"It won't be okay. Next thing you know they'll be getting married and having kids of their own. I'm not ready Calum!" You say as you break down into tears.

"Okaaaay, I think we need to take mommy home. How about a bath when we get back?" Calum suggested as he put Saffron back into her buggy.

You nodded before wiping away your tears and stood up. As you were leaving the park, Saffron kept chanting "dada" over and over.

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