Preference: How he reacts to you recieving hate.

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Ashton: Ever since it became public that you an Ashton started dating, you'd received a lot of hate. It didn't really upset you but it hurt Ashton to see people say such mean things about you.

5sos were set to have a radio show interview and thought this would be the best time to ask fans to stop hating on you.

"So how's your relationship with y/n?" The interviewer asked.

"It's good thanks but y/n's been experiencing a lot of hate and I think that's pretty uncool. She's a great girl and if those guys were really fans, they'd be happy for us," Ashton said and the rest of the boys nodded in agreement.

"Ash is right, she's a great girl," Luke said.

"Well you heard it hear guys. You need to stop being mean to y/n. It's never okay," the interviewer said before starting questions on their upcoming tour.

Calum: You had just spent a day with your boyfriend Calum which meant loads of selfies were taken.

You flicked through the many selfies before you saw a nice one with him kissing your cheek and decided to upload it.

In seconds you had many favourites and retweets and comments saying you were lucky and beautiful but there were some mean ones. It didn't bother you but you just closed the twitter app instead.

Suddenly your phone started blowing up again so you decided to check it out and your face broke out into a big smile.

Calum was defending you.

@Luvvvv5sos: @y/t/n Y/n looks so disgusting in that picture. Why is he with her? I'm way hotter.

@Calum5SOS: Well number 1 she isn't a stuck up bitch like you and 2 y/n is beautiful. Too bad you can't see that.

There were many more tweets like that which loads of people retweeted.

@Calum5SOS: Seriously guys, you need to stop hating on y/n. If you don't like her then fine but hating on her won't change my feelings for her.

You smiled at the most recent tweet since it got over 100k retweets and favourites as well as them tweeting nice things to you.

They even got #WeLoveYouY/N trending world wide.

Luke: You finally joined Luke and the boys on tour in America. It was the first time you'd seen him in 3 months and he was determined to make things perfect for you.

As soon as you arrived at the airport, Luke took you away to your favourite restaurants.

Whilst eating, a group of fans came over to your table.

"Oh my god Luke! Can we take a picture with you?!" One of the asked and Luke being Luke agreed and took the picture.

"Look at how much food y/n has on her plate. She's so greedy," you heard some of the other girls who were waiting.

"I know right. She needs to watch the calories, her figure isn't great already," the other replied.

You looked down at your half eaten burger and portion of fries with chocolate milkshake.

Luke must have heard what they started saying because of what he said next.

"Um that's not really any of your business. If y/n wants to eat then she can. She's beautiful inside and out unlike you two."

The two girls fell silent and looked away from Luke before apologising to you.

"Can we still get a picture?" One of the asked.

"Um no. You're rude to my girlfriend then ask for a picture. I don't think so, now excuse us, we have a meal to get back to," he said as he sat back down in his seat.

The group of girls quickly walked away and let you and Luke get back to your meal.


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