imagine: where Luke sees you at the concert

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Luke's POV

She promised she would be here for tonight's show but she's not here. I know she has other stuff to do but she promised.

I've sent many texts and voice messages but still no reply.

"Luke you alright? You look kinds distracted," Michael said as he came over to me

"Yeah I'm fine.. It's just that y/n said she would come to this concert but she's not here," I sighed.

"Don't worry mate. I'm sure the reason she's not here is a good one.. She wouldn't miss you performing for anything," Michael said as he patted my shoulder.

I guess he was right. Y/n has never missed any of our shows so the reason she isn't here must be important.

I stood up from the sofa and went to grab my guitar since the show was starting in less than 2 minutes.

I joined the rest of the guys before we were directed to the stage entrance. We could all hear the screams from backstage and it gave me a rush kind of feeling.

The backing music to 18 started playing and the next thing I knew, I was on stage along with my bandmates.

As soon as I stepped out on the stage, I couldn't help but think about y/n.. She should be front row or on the side stage doing that cute dance she does.

I sigh to myself before continuing to perform.

We sang 3 more songs before we paused and introduced ourselves to the crowd.

"Luke is a little sad today because his girlfriend y/n isn't here," Michael said into the microphone and the crowd instantly aww'd.

"I just miss her a lot but I'll be okay. The next song we'll be singing in Disconnected," I said before starting to strum the chords.

We sang that song and a few more before going off for a few minutes.

"You're really not focused tonight Luke," Ashton said as he quickly switched his shirt.

"I know.. I'm sorry guys. y/n is just stuck on my mind," i sighed as i changed my guitar.

"Just focus alright, we only have 3 more songs," Michael said.

I nodded as I fixed my guitar on my shoulder. Just as we were about to head back to the stage, our door opened.

"I have someone here to see you.." Our tour manager said.

"Who is it? We're about to go-" I said but stopped when I saw her.

She was here!

"Y/N! Oh my god!" I shouted as I went and pulled her into a big hug.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here.. Work help me for another shift and I really couldn't get out of it," she explained

"I don't care! You're here and that's all that matters," I said as I kissed her hair over and over.

"Guys.. You need to get going! You have a crowd waiting for you," one of the venue directors said.

"Go on.. I'll be right at the side stage watching you," she said before pecking her lips on mine.

I smiled at her before leaving for the stage. She followed us but stayed on the side.

"Good luck guys!" She waved. We all said thanks before going back out to entertain our fans.

We performed our 3 songs perfectly, now that she was here.

Since we played our set a little fast, we had time to play 3 more.

Through out the encore, I kept looking back at y/n on the side stage. She was doing that cute dance like always.

Having her here made everything feel finally right

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